How We Can Prosper In A Conflicting World
The faith and fortune may sound detrimental to each other but they help each other to grow in an ever conflicting world. We are dwelling between our past and future though we live in the present. We have memory of the past but we imagine about our future. Our history makes the way to traverse through our past, present and future. Therefore we are not only living in a moment but also have a dream for the future. Our society is structured in a way that makes us not only to learn from each other but also to learn from our surroundings. We are the bridge between our memory and imagination and we cultivate the truth in a fruitful manner.
Regressive : Lion rules the Jungle
Lion is bold and has enough strength to dominate in the jungle. Other animals fall far apart from a lion and survive through natural evolution. The jungle gives appropriate opportunity for every animal to eat, live and reproduce so that each of them fits in the complete ecosystem. The ecology of a jungle gives security to every animal living in the jungle. The lion has sole advantage over other animals and therefore help in conserving the jungle. This makes a regressive manner of living animals in the jungle.
Recursive : Whale eats other fishes
Whale is larger than other fishes in the ocean and eats other fishes there. All small fishes can’t escape from the whale and therefore becomes get hunted by whale. The ocean gives opportunity for a whale to move around in the ocean and eat other fishes for consumption . The smaller fishes as well as whale are survived in a balanced way in the ecology of the ocean. This makes a recursive manner of living fishes in the ocean.
Leadership : Eagle flies above sky
Eagle has stronger wings than most of other birds and flies far above in the sky. All living birds and other animals are hunted by eagle. The sky gives opportunity for eagle to look from a far altitude and therefore to make an appropriate decision for himself. An eagle has a broader vision than other living birds and animals. This makes a leadership manner of birds in the sky.
Regressive, Recursive and Leadership are three different traits to prosper in a conflicting world in jungle, ocean and sky respectively. Each of them has distinct advantages to lead over other living animals, fishes and birds. Therefore we can conclude that they form an evolutionary ecosystem in the nature.