How we can deliver UK Bullet Train Rail
Cameron Haden, Barrister, FCilex, LL.M, BPTC, LLB (Hons),
Barrister at St Joseph Chambers, Fcilex Advocate & Litigator, Company Director and Civil & Commercial Mediator
With the scandal of HS2 coming to an end and demonstrating it is just another overpriced business endeavour that is no longer economical. Now Labour coming in is faced with the issue of how to achieve the industrial links the UK needs to power the united (not northern) but united power house.
Underground Rail
My first suggestion is to consider, or at least running ideas for an underground line.
Why do I say this when we have had such issues with the Elizabeth line. Well, we have not really attempted making an underground line between cities before. So perhaps it has not been given much thought. Also, the maintenance costs might be higher but perhaps that would not be the case.
Allow me to explain.
How to prepare for HS3
12.If there is a need to purchase land for hubs rather then buy them all at once they can run into land already owned by the state or repossessed by it. The small towns and villages were costs of property are low can be steadily accumulates over a few years in anticipation.
Funding HS3
13. HS3 bonds could be offered to citizens although I suspect these will be mass purchased by foreign pension funds and organisations leading to upfront low costs but in the long term a drain on resources.
14. It would be better to keep these in state hands to lower long term costs. Instead a number of departments can be involved in the project allowing for a sharing of the budget.
15. A small tariff can be added to the eventual cost of going through each UK borough this similar to the tariff on the Dartford Crossing would be used to recuperate invested money. I would advise not following in the Dartford Crossings food steps and instead doing away with this cash cow if the line remains in public hands.
16. Local councils can be offered the potential to receive extra budget that is diverted into there part of the line. In exchange the tariff mentioned above will be returned to those local councils the line runs through. This is an indirect way of using future commerce to fund those local councils in part with entering into the investment project.
17. It would not be necessary to raise additional taxes. Instead the project should be delivered in working stages. If micro hubs can be built along the route these could be brought online far more quickly then trying to connect to existing far flung cities and town. Having cargo taken by truck to the nearest hub, transported down the line where more lorries continue the deliver will offer some cost benefits. Especially if say bus routes ran to more established connections like the case for Ebbsfleet International.
18. I cannot say 17 will be as beneficial as completing a full leg of the line but it would give the project the possibility of delivering value at an earlier stage in the development cycle. The micro hubs could also have other elements present such as shopping outlets, battery energy (useful for charging EVs, refuelling for lorries, given these hubs would be close to existing motorways and roads)
19. I should say the micro hub space will come at cost but building onto land which is usually sparsely populated by houses will be much cheaper and easier to acquire as well as build on 24/7 then if it was close to very populated areas.
Long term value
20. The first value is in efficiently transporting goods around the country at speed. Something the current network is less able to do.
21. In time it would assist domestic travel by relieving cargo trains from existing networks.
22. The trains could be built with modernised tracks that do not have problems meaning cheaper less bespoke trains can be built and cheaper but still quality tracks can be laid as they would match more uniform structures.
23. It would provide extensive R&D funding to education and opportunities to train local engineers rejuvenating industries whilst in production and hopefully once finished the micro hubs energy jobs will retain work for small areas currently abandoned.
When to start the project
24. In the aftermath of a global financial crisis, assuming we can afford to do so.
25. The reason for starting the project then will be a few things. The value of money and thus tax will have significantly appreciated relative to assets making infrastructure building more cost effective.
26. Another reason is it will offer new jobs and industries at a time when large parts of the country are unemployed.
27. The 3rd reason is that its stage will be complete it time for the fully market economy allowing for it to benefit the most from an economic recovery.
When to halt stages
28. Rather then continuing the project through thick of thin, the project should be delivered in stages that reflect the cost consideration. During times when the economy is running hot and costs for infrastructure are relatively higher large scale infrastructure like this should be halted to focus on more necessary projects. When the economy starts to falter fully making infrastructure cheaper the project can be resumed.
How to build the organisational infrastructure
29. We should move strongly away from the HS2 model of private enterprise. The effect is to enrich the few and does not offer an incentive for quality rather then cost cutting (to increase profits).
30. Instead distressed businesses can be nationalised which would be much cheaper then buying less distressed business. The expertise of those in the company can be put towards making the project successful. Keep in mind buying distressed business often have the debt removed as the assets are being sold as a fire sale. With a government contract the personnel can rest assured they will have a job and the restructure will let the state dispose of gross negligent aspects of the businesses.
31. Also being state run businesses the target will not be profit but long term cost saving delivered from quality and break even. Then once the project is delivered a small premium will ensure maintenance needs are met.
32. For example British Steel returning to British ownership and being contracted to supply steel to these infrastructure projects. A buy in rather then a bail out. Once the infrastructure projects have been finished these businesses can be sold back into public private hands such as into state pension funds in order to support the state pension.
Revisiting the idea of private v public
33. What I heard once is the state is the largest business of any country. When you think like that the state usually as a monopoly as a business. In a world where Amazon, Microsoft, Google etc exist and deliver value to investors why is it believed an organisation which should be more altrustic (since the electorate pick the CEOs ((MPs)) would not deliver as much innovation as these when both organisations can hire innovative people.
34. Simply out the difference between public and private, the private enriched the unelected few and the public is meant to enrich all those who operate in the host country.
35. Currently rail is subsidised by the state. Part of that subsidy goes to business profits which goes overseas with the ownership models. If it was state owned the operations could remain entirely unaltered and the cost would still be lower. We are no longer in the EU so the economy of scale model means infrastructure brought in bares higher costs so tends to now be locally sourced.
36. HS3 to HS6 should be publicly not quasi run businesses with any profits or under budget delivered back to the electorate.
Future connections
37. Once the underground HS3 is finished or as it comes on line. It may be worth contacting our neighbours in France, Iceland, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Denmark, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Belgium to see if they would be interested in building connecting straight line trains routes underground to hub stations.
38. these routes could have underground pipes running next to them at first used for transporting oil/gas or used for transporting LNG. When we move to more renewables these same pipes could become more trainlines or be used to transport cargo such as batteries for energy.
39. The main issue if that were to happen will be marine life, so that needs to be considered as well as other matters.
40. This is an idea, I have not done extensive research into doing such a project but at least in terms of when to start them it is better to do it during a great recession if possible. I would not start it now in 2023 but perhaps late 2024 if there is this global depression or 2025.
41. The future is connecting the world for harmony and growth. The peace dividend. We have the money and the means to do this. If we focus on dual use industries then we can aid in the protection effort whilst preparing the country for peace. Weapons are single use items. Infrastructure, trained personnel, R&D in medicine etc these are dual use. We need to use the time we have to build for the future.
Quantity Surveyor
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