The wisdom of the fathers
?The Son is now looking for vessels He can use to express His life. He has given every believer access to the glory He received from the Father. (John 17:22) But we must choose to follow Him in His way of life before He will fill the temple with His glory. God has placed us in weak mortal bodies to keep us aware of our dependence upon Him. The vessels was not to have anything coming “out from” itself.?
We were created in a way that permitted God to be the source of all goodness as we yielded the vessel to Him for His use. Many insist they do not have the power to walk as Jesus did and reveal His light of life. And they are quite correct. But this fact is not a factor in God’s plan for revealing His life. He never intended for His human children to be the source of His eternal life. In fact, He insists that we die to everything that is self-originated—the form of life that Satan fostered on the world through Adam.?
We find the Pearl of Great Price—our Lord’s heavenly Kingdom-life—by selling all from the self-life. (Matt. 13:45-46) It is as we die a deeper death to our own sufficiency and learn to wait on the Lord that we find life and strength from above. God planned from the beginning that we would live through the Son and reveal His image. (Eph. 1:4) For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren. (Rom. 8:29)??
(from ""Our Own God" by George D. Watson)