How To Wake Up At 3am!
Connor Minogue
The #1 Creator Economy NERD on the PLANET! TIPS & ADVICE for brands and creators wanting to leverage partnership growth. 10 Million+ generated in revenue through influencer partnerships in 2024.
????? ???Welcome to The Monday Morning Hustler’s Club. This is the In-Print of The Daily Copy. In this weekly opinion piece, I'll give you some tips and tricks for the hustler & how to best maximize your time and subdue the earth!?????? ??
How to wake up at 3am, all day, everyday.
Do these things to be able to wake up at 3 in the morning:
(Not everyone wants to wake up at 3 - I know! But the items listed below are still gonna be the key to waking up at whatever time you want! 5am, 6am, etc.)
How much more would you accomplish if you had 2 or 3 extra hours a day?
I've never met a person who said they didn't want to wake up earlier. The reason for this is that everyone wants to do what they want to do. And the more time you have awake, the more time you have to do the things you love - regardless of how many hours you put in for the man! Check out these tips and trick below whether you're a hustler or just wanna wake ul at 5am to play video games before you have to go to work.
Rules for day previous:
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Number 3 isn’t a 1 trick pony. It’s not like you can eat a salad 1 day and the next day be up at 3am making content at your kitchen table. But it is key! You won’t see huge results from these on day 1, but you will on day 7!
Rules for 3am:
What I have found is no matter what time you get up, if you're trying to fight your body and win more time for yourself in the morning, the first hour is cruical!
Here are some quick fire rules for the dog hour!
Rule 1.
Follow the 20-20-20 Rule.
The most important thing to getting up early is STAYING UP! The first hour is called the dog hour. It’s you vs your body. Your body wants nothing more than to crawl back into bed. If it does, it goes back to sleep. You lose.
It’s you against your body.
Follow the 20-20-20 rule for the first hour. I first encountered this rule in the this book. The 20-20-20 rule breaks you first hour down into three 20 minute segments. This orderly approach to the dog hour will help you overcome your bodies lust to get back in the sack!
The dog hour is the crucial hour if you want to win your morning back! ?? Check out how to beat it! ?? ??
First 20 mins of being awake:
It's should be no surprise that if the first thing you do in the morning is sprint down your drive way, you're more likely to be awake! However, it doesn't need to be a sprint. Just being up, walking, stretching, it's all adding to your ability to stay out of bed!
Second 20 mins of being awake:
This could come in the form of prayer, journaling, simply walking around and looking at the sunrise. But an association with this early hour and thankfulness is a 'hack' to make your body enjoy it.
Third 20 minutes of being awake:
Either read or watch a lecture and take notes! But better yourself! Being productive in this time is crucial! But productive might just mean listening to a podcast while walking your dog! Don't overcomplicate it!
Rule 2.
Make this time about you.
This might seem like mental health propaganda, but it’s true! No one wants to get up at 3am and chase someone else’s dreams!
This is your time, so make it worth it! I promise you that it’ll help with the rest of your day anyway!
Rule 3.
DON’T make getting up early your source of confidence or feelings of success.
This is a problem for every hustler bro! Having a huge lists of TO DO’s and when you don’t complete it, feeling that you’re an utter failure. It’s no big deal.
Guess what: No one is watching.
Fail. Fail. Fail. Aim for 3am, miss the alarm, wake up at 7am in a daze and know you have a lifetime to try again!
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In The Janitor's Closet (a podcast for the janitorial industry) ?? ??
The CruiseCast (Connor Minogue's personal podcast) ?? ??