How Volunteering Can Help You With Your Job Choice and So Much More
How Volunteering Can Help with Your Job Choice

How Volunteering Can Help You With Your Job Choice and So Much More

Finding the right specific career choice is hard for many people. That is a universal truth, but you rarely hear it spoken aloud. What you may not realize is that executive functioning challenges associated with ADHD can make that search even harder. Although, I am making that very clear from the get-go, this is not a doom and gloom blog about the challenges you may face. This is a blog about improving your chances in the ever-changing world of the 21st century job market.

One of the insights I find helpful for many of my clients is that sometimes, you have to try a few things out to find the right fit. Volunteering your time is one of the best ways to “try on” different jobs. Volunteer work is an easy and great way to experience different things, build all types of skills and learn so many new things in a low-risk, low-pressure environment. And all of your experiences and skills are great fodder for your cover letter, resume and job interview.?

Benefits of Volunteering:??

  • It can help you meet new people of all ages.
  • It helps you become more well-rounded as a person.
  • It teaches you how to value work for its own sake.
  • It shows future employers that you are not a self-absorbed person and think of others.
  • It can help you network and make new connections with people that can be key in finding a job!

Let’s flip the switch and consider things from the interviewer’s point of view. If I am an interviewer and I look at your resume and see volunteer experience, my first thought would probably be that this person interviewing for a job is a giving person, enjoys helping others and that they are not in it solely for the paycheck, which will make them a more attractive employee. I might assume that this candidate is likely a well-rounded person that values giving back and self-improvement. By the way, you do not have to mention on a resume or interview how much you earned helping out that non-profit business. As a life-long volunteer, with many different organizations, I know the feeling and experience that comes with giving your time and effort to a good cause, especially when it involves helping other people. Employers remember and take notice of job applicants that have volunteered for several organizations.?

“Alright, Lynn,” you are hopefully saying at this point. “You’ve sold me on the idea of volunteer work, but where do I start?” Well, I have bad news and good news about that. The bad news is that you will have to reach out to different organizations to find a place that is a good fit for you. It might not be as easy as going online to apply. The good news is I can point you in a few good directions.?

The first and most obvious one is charitable nonprofits. They are always looking for more help. Send out a few emails to your local animal shelter, soup kitchen, library, or community center. You could also visit your local church or place of worship. Even if you choose not to volunteer there, they are sure to be able to direct you to other local organizations. If you would prefer to volunteer from home, you can reach out to many different non-profits online to see if you can help with fundraising or grant writing. Google is your friend with that one.?

That last, and perhaps best, lead I can provide is for a type of organization you might not even have heard of: volunteer agencies. Volunteer agencies work the same as job-search sites except for volunteering. There are nationwide sites like VolunteerMatch or the federally-run, as well as state-wide or local agencies. If you don’t know of any volunteer spots, they are a great tool to help you out.?

So, what is the key takeaway? If you have some extra time on your hands, you can add some spice to your life (and your resume), try a bit of volunteer work. Worst case scenario is it doesn’t work out, and you try a new location the next day. When you are there, try to keep in mind that you are not just doing it for yourself. It is proof that you have value for the wider world. Just because you are not filling out a tax form does not mean that it is not true labor.?

One last thing to remember: Just because they are not paying you, it does not mean they are not ready and willing to work you to the bone. So, please ask for a reference letter after the work you do!?


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