How Voice Bio-metrics Can Change the Way Customers Interact with Companies
Rudy Martinez
Specialty telecommunications and technology services. Christ be my sherpa!
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In today, most people are familiar with the identity verification system that companies’ customer service representatives use whenever you call them for support.
Despite many forms of interaction such as email, chat, and apps being introduced to online customer service, people still prefer the old fashion phone call. Unfortunately, serving your customer over a voice call is subject to barriers such as accents and background noises.
One of the most dreaded barriers to efficient interaction is your customer having to identify themselves by answering countless security questions so they can access their private data. This is where voice bio-metrics comes in.
The simple, secure, and effective method of customer identification
Voice biometrics can change customer service as we know it using deep learning, machine learning, and Sentiment Analysis. Here is what these three technologies do:
Machine learning is a science based on algorithms that provide computers with the ability to learn and act like humans do and in time progress their performance by feeding them big data from observations and real-world interactions.
Deep learning refines machine learning by employing artificial neural networks to further make the computer function like the human brain with little to no need for management.
Sentiment Analysis, also called emotion AI is the use of natural language processing, computational linguistics, and bio-metrics to identify, derive, quantify and study information, in this case, voice data.
When you combine these three elements to create voice bio-metrics, you are able to record a voice-print that is unique to each customer and use it as their quick identification. This boosts the safety of the customer’s identity and private information. It also saves time because you don’t need to pester your client with many questions for authentication. Don’t forget how cost-effective it is too!
Voice bio-metrics can change the way customers interact with companies by making their customer service experience this simple, quick, safe, and exciting.
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