How VMware Leveraged Kubernetes For Its Cloud-Native And Multi-Cloud Strategy
If there is one key takeaway from VMware’s annual user conference, VMWorld, it is Kubernetes that's becoming the front and center of the company’s product strategy. Every VMware executive I met emphasized on how the engineering teams are fully embracing the open source container management platform to build the next generation of vSphere.
Project Pacific bridges the gap between traditional vSphere-based VMs and modern Kubernetes-based clusters. VMware has done a brilliant job by embedding Kubernetes right into the core of vSphere. Developers will see the new stack through the lens of Kubernetes while IT Ops continues to treat it like a traditional vSphere stack. This tight integration opens up many opportunities not just for VMware but for partners and the broader ISV ecosystem. Project Pacific essentially extended the relevancy of vSphere by at least a decade.
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Janakiram MSV is an analyst, advisor, and architect. Follow him on Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn.