How Visitor Management System and Access control help Business Parks

Visitor Management System and access control are critical for smooth functioning of business parks. No modern business park or office complex can imagine becoming an attractive destination for companies without a modern VMS and access control system in place.

This case study shows how truMe Visitor Management System and access control transformed security, productivity and convenience for one of the leading business parks in Delhi-NCR.

Corporate Towers is a modern grade A business park located in Delhi NCR, India. The business park, approx. 1 million sq ft facility, spread into two towers, is home to many MNCs and large Indian companies. The complex attracts around 2000 visitors daily.

Problems with Traditional VMS

Until recently, a typical entry experience for a visitor meant standing in a long queue during rush hours. There was a desktop-based solution installed at the reception, which was simply inadequate to process the high number of visitors. A pass printed on paper was created for each visitor. The access system was not connected to the turnstile and therefore, the pass had to be presented again to a security guard who would then open the turnstile for each visitor.

This arrangement did not serve the business park well. The passes given were not bound to the identity of the respective visitor and one could enter on someone else’s pass. Besides, there was no expiry time for the passes. Again, the building manager had no centralized access to the data on visits to analyze the same and come up with better solutions to the problems being faced by the facilities management team and the visitors both.


And the arrangement did not serve the visitor well either. For visitors to the business park, it was unnecessary friction, inconvenience and paperwork. Besides, the visitors were a little apprehensive about the receptionist taking a copy of their ID document. So, for a visitor, both privacy and convenience were largely compromised under this arrangement. It was not a great experience to visit someone in this business park, despite a plush reception and uber decor.


Advantages of truMe Visitor Management System

To overcome these multiple problems related to security, privacy and lack of convenience, Corporate Towers opted for the truMe’s Visitor Management System.

Now, the entry experience of a typical visitors has completely transformed into a convenient and private process. A visitor registers on the truMe platform just once and can access the buildings on all subsequent visits just by scanning the profile QR code on a tablet placed at the reception. As truMe has both the app-based and the web-based registration systems, the visitor enjoys the discretion of whether to download the app or get the registration done at the reception.



Moreover, a visitor does not have to stand in a queue at the reception. With truMe, she gets multiple options – she can be invited in advance or can ask for invitation or can register on business park’s website. In every case, she has a digital pass on her phone when she reaches the business park. Now, she does not have to stand in queue or talk to the receptionist/ security guard. She just scans her digital pass on the tablet placed over flap barrier and the barrier opens. The host gets a notification and the business park gets the relevant data – who came, at what time, met whom and left when.


Benefits of truMe Access Control

This great entry experience for visitor and total security and central visibility for the business park is possible because the building chose truMe’s Access Control, with its VMS. The flap barriers are connected to truMe’s Access Gate Controller (AGC) and open automatically as the visitor scans her digital pass on the tablet placed over the flap barrier.

There are no queues and the paperwork is confined to the QR code issued to those visitors who do not carry a smart phone. The passes now have an expiry time and date. The data on visits is now centrally accessible to the building management for whatever analysis they may want to do. Daily reports are generated and are available to the building management in real-time.



In fact, the ease of use is such that many employees of different companies located in the premises have opted to install the truMe app on their phone and now use that to access the building instead of the NFC cards issued to them by the building management.

Corporate Towers is still at a preliminary stage in leveraging the real power of truMe. It has the option to graduate to more layered products the truMe platform can offer, e.g. employees of tenant companies inviting visitors on the truMe app directly, the same digital pass working at the reception of the business parks and the reception of the tenant company, a higher level of company-specific access control etc.


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