How a virus saved my life.

How a virus saved my life.

How a virus saved my life.

I still remember the moment when I knew that things had to change. My life was unrecognisable. Before, I was in a high flying corporate job that I loved, managing a team of 47 people, exercising every day, travelling a lot, basically burning the candle at both ends. Life was at an all time high and I was loving it.

Fast forward to the moment where I "decided," here I was, my partner, now husband, brushing my hair, because I didn’t have the strength.

I caught a virus a few years before this moment. Pretty topical right now, right?! 

I had spent days, weeks and months in bed and on the sofa. I even had to get a wheelchair to get around the house. Life was a container of four walls, with a visit to the doctor every 12 weeks, the effort of that left me flattened for a few weeks.

It was indescribably awful.

But simply put, the best thing that ever happened to me.


It forced me to stop. It forced me to get out of the rat race. It forced me to realise that I had one life. Was I doing what I was put on earth to do? Was I living life on my terms? Did I have my own family? Was I building my own empire instead of someone else's? No, no and no. The biggest worry of all was if I would ever be well enough again to have a family.

I did try to return to my old life when I recovered. But I had changed. I knew from what I had been through the previous four years that there was lots more to life. I knew I had to help others, do something that actually mattered.

So I quit. I’ve never quit anything before in my life. Ever. But I knew I was meant to live life on my terms.

So, I set about setting up my coaching business and step by step, brick by brick, I got it up and running.

I learned a lot. I failed hard and fast. I went through a painful amount of trial and error.

I worked hard.

Real hard.

But then came the trap.

Here I was, a chronic over worker, building a digital business, one of the hardest businesses to build. I was working and working, obsessing over every tiny detail.

Doing ALL the things.

I was an Overwhelmed Expert.

I soon realised, if I'm not careful, I’ll end up where I was before.

I looked back over my life. Moment after moment, I kept repeating the same patterns. Winning at everything, even when I wasn’t that good at it. First place in this, first place in that.

Overachieving, pushing, pushing, pushing.

But those years ill taught me so much.

I’ll be forever grateful.

I knew I couldn’t repeat the same pattern this time.

My health was too precious.

I couldn’t crash again. There was no way in hell I was going back.

So I had to figure it out.

And fast.

So - what did I do?

No - not some shiny, gimmicky tactic. Not some newfangled online strategy.


Yes, believe it or not, I found my answers in the silence.

I still remember the aha moment.

Aha. This is it. I GET IT.

This is how this works.

This is how I get to live a life by design.

I knew exactly what I had to do, when I had to do it.

I knew the business model.

I knew who.

I knew what I had to outsource.

I knew how to create and fill my online programmes with less of me.

So, with a big big vision - inspired by the dream of all the lives I would impact, I scaled my business with online courses, and got clients on demand.

I stopped believing that work equalled success.

That I had to work hard to deserve it.

I realised that when you allow it to be easy, it really is easy.

That you get to live a life of FIRE - Freedom, Impact, Revenue & Empowerment.

But how did I get to the stage where it can be easy, I hear you say..

Three keys, and no matter what way I look at it, we must have them all, to scale online and do it without the work and the overwhelm.

When these three keys collide, they create The Expert Accelerator Effect.

The three keys?

Roadmap Alignment, Tactical Tenacity & Power Performance.

Now, having an automated, scalable business is a dream. I literally don’t work. When you are doing what you were born to do, it isn’t work.

The day I was featured in Forbes was a pinch me moment. Looking back, wow.

I am a CEO on FIRE.

I adore my clients. I love watching their breakthroughs, their big wins. It is pretty special.

Most of all, I love being Mammy to baby Jack. We finally had our baby. I am there every single moment of every single day with him.

I am healthy.

I am free.

Life on FIRE, just like I designed it.

I don’t ever have to overwork again.

Because I made a choice

I chose to live a life of Freedom, Impact, Revenue & Empowerment. A life of F.IR.E

Now I champion Experts just like you to do the same with The Expert Accelerator Effect - Three Pillars to your life of F.I.R.E.

Are you in?



