How to virtually participate in today's (April 15, 2021) Learning and Development Roundtable
Lee-Anne Ragan
I create truly innovative, customized training workshops to energize your team and help you work better together so you can get on with your important business of changing the world.
Hello (aka fellow learning adventurer),
Please join us online for today's online Learning and Development Roundtable. I will lead a workshop on From overwhelmed to organized: Simple tech tools for ease and efficiency.
** Important: We'll use Zoom, so to participate virtually you'll need to click on this link with the Meeting ID: 763 026 443
Password: 492241
Then today, Thursday, April 15th from 5 pm to 7 pm EAT simply click away (If you're in a different time zone, click here to figure out what time it is in your zone.)
Please find the detailed agenda at this link.
The roundtable will be recorded so if you can't join us live then as long as you're a member, you'll receive all of the workshop resources including audio and video recordings, handouts, PowerPoint deck etc. Not a member yet? Sign up here. It's free.
Hope to see you online today, Thursday, April 15th from 5 pm to 7 pm EAT. Take good care until our paths cross again.
Lee-Anne Ragan, President Rock.Paper.Scissors Inc. Changing the way the world works. e: [email protected]