How to View Politics with Sanity and Have Fun

How to View Politics with Sanity and Have Fun

How to View Politics with Sanity and Have Fun

105th in a Series

By Jackalyn Rainosek, PHD

Let me offer in this email a number of examples of Bill Penzeys from Penzeys Spices, simple ways to look at crazy events that happen in our world. I know you all probably think I have gone crazy about Bill’s writings; however, I have not gone crazy. I have gotten sane in the way he addresses things. 

Here are some of his wise ways of looking at political events that don’t make sense with how political figures are carrying them out. I hope you enjoy them, sign up to get his emails and buy spices from them:

Message 1: “My 2c More on Texas. With the Coronavirus, we’ve tried as a family to keep ourselves and those around us safe by keeping our interactions to a minimum. One of the downsides is this has caused us to go the longest time in at least eighteen years since we’ve traveled through Texas. If you haven’t spent time there, once the vaccine does its thing you should plan a visit. The place is so much better and so much richer in diversity and an appreciation of cultures than what you could imagine from a distance.” “The emails of appreciation I’ve received from Texans since our mailing yesterday were a great reminder of all we are missing by not getting there. So many in Texas are working hard to create a better future and in this current crisis their efforts have taken on much greater urgency. It may well take years to get to the bottom of how those on the right were able to so badly mismanage the Texas energy grid. But already we know a big part of why they were able to sell the idea of the Texas grid being cut off from the rest of the country is this myth they like to tell about Texas being built on a fantasy of rugged individuals going it alone. The truth is pretty much the opposite. …I understand that letting people be who they are is right at the top of the list of what’s great about Texas, but no one ever herded cattle by themselves. To understand just how un-Texan it is for their energy grid to be unable to connect to the rest of the country, just imagine if this crisis was not happening in Texas but was instead taking place in Louisiana, or New Mexico, or Oklahoma. Texans being told by their government they can’t help a neighbor in need? …It’s time for Texas leadership to reflect Texas values. So many in Texas have helped in Georgia and Wisconsin and wherever else elections are close.  It’s time for all of us to start looking into returning the favor. Please visit Texas if you can.” Then Bill always does a unique promotion: “If Texas had a state spice it would without doubt be Cumin, with regular $3.96 jars for $2, get yours today. Salsa/Pico Seasoning is pretty popular there as well and at just $1 each please pick up enough to share, it really is awesome.” My spouse and I constantly find things to buy from Penzeys Spice due to his messages. They are heartfelt, honest, and exhibit integrity.

Message 2: “Of course for everyone who writes that they like our spices but not our politics, there are most likely more who agree but who haven’t taken the time to write. If this is you, please give thought to opening your heart just a little bit more to those on the downside of inequality. Privilege is real and it has high costs that the privileged never have to face. My hope is that once we all are honest enough to admit the real price those on the downside of equality face, Penzeys having the values that make our spices so good might not seem so out of place. As a cook you already care. If you can just find it in your heart to grow the circle of those you care about two-three sizes larger, good things will come of it. I promise.”

Message 3: “Penzeys (heart figures) Black Lives Matter and we encourage you to do the same. For the first time pretty much since Dr. King, BLM is moving the polls on getting the majority of white Americans to admit the inequalities Black Lives face. Just like with Dr. King, those that oppose equality take single words said years ago out of context to make up stories about why BLM should be dismissed. Please don’t believe any of them. Each of the stories is as phony as the notion that those opposing BLM would totally support BLM if only they went about opposing racism in some imaginary ‘correct way.’” …”And enough already with falsely claiming Black Lives Matter is some sort of ‘Marxist Organization.’ Please, no more emails pretending your objection to BLM isn’t about your racism but is instead rooted in your deeply held convictions about 19th century economic philosophers.” Those who oppose BLM don’t know enough to understand the impact of white privilege and racism.

Message 4: “According to the CDC, in addition to us all growing one year older in 2020 we all lost an additional year of life expectancy as well. Our thought is we can’t let this stand. It’s time to start working in getting this year back. Obviously, the coronavirus is a big part of the year we lost, we need to start by keeping up with masks, keeping up with distancing, and we all need to get vaccinated as soon as we can. But the truth is the virus itself only accounts for a few weeks of this year of life we’ve all lost. The real damage has come from the lack of humanity so many on the right have shown in the time of the virus. It’s time to get to work overcoming this.” 

Bill gets significant numbers of emails a day, and often repeats the messages in his emails without the full name. Here is what I am asking my readers: 1. Get on Bill Penzeys’ email list, since you will have fun and feel comforted by learning about what is going on in politics; 2. Buy spices from Penzeys, since they strongly value human beings and equality; 3. Join our Social Justice group two Tuesdays a month which will increase your ability to have discussions with people who have different points of view. Go to and sign up; 4. Be kind to yourself and others. It costs you nothing and it truly contributes to you being a healthier human being. 

Jackalyn Rainosek, PHD, [email protected], 713-202-6884.

























Jackalyn Rainosek, Ph.D.

Multidimensional Leader Driving Extraordinary Results through Comprehensive Expertise

4 年

When reading this article, you will see how creative a writer can be to blend politics with products and be a great information source. When I read Bill Penzey's information I feel grateful and relieved. See what you find.



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