How to Utilize Your Energy for Success
All human beings have 24 hours in a day. In that time, we do our daily routine (job, business, school, etc). Let’s take a deep dive and unravel these 24 hours.
Most people sleep 8 hours a day, work another 8 hours a day, eating takes about an hour, 2 hours on social media, an hour in transportation, plus other basic activities such as getting ready, cooking, cleaning can add up to at least one more hour. All of which adds up to 21 hours, leaving us with 3 hours to ourselves. Most people don’t use this valuable time to invest in themselves and advance themselves to the next level. To put this in perspective you consume 88% of your day on the activities listed above. Time is a limited resource and where time flows, energy flows. Therefore, it is important to spend your time wisely because if you don’t invest in yourself, you don’t invest in your future.
In one of the books I read, Shad Helmstetter mentioned a story about how fast time flies. A little six-year-old boy named Alex met his uncle Sam on his birthday. Sam called him outside at night, and asked Alex “How old are you?”. The boy replied very proudly “I am six years old”. Then his uncle asked him “Can you snap your fingers?” So, Alex snapped his finger, not knowing why. Then Sam said “Now there is something important I would like you to do for me. Next year on your seventh birthday, I want you to go outside, remember this moment, and snap your fingers. I’d like you to do the same on every birthday after that.” Alex partially understood but not completely. It wasn’t until a year later, Alex turned seven, that he figured it out. His uncle could not make it to his birthday that year; he had gone to sleep one night and never woke up again. But he remembered the promise he made to Sam, so during his seventh birthday party, Alex went outside and he snapped his fingers just once. It was at that moment that he realized what his uncle had been trying to tell him. It seemed as though not a single moment had passed between the first time he snapped his finger, a year ago, and the time he snapped his fingers now. In a single instant of time, an entire year had gone by! So, Alex repeated the same thing every year after that. On his fiftieth birthday, he realized that he had journeyed from a boy to a man in just brief ‘clicks’ in time.??
Since time is a limited resource and Alex figured out how fast it flies, the same concept applies to energy. From the time you wake up to the time you sleep; everyone has a finite amount of energy.
Think about a day where you used your energy productively. Imagine having achieved all your tasks and fulfilling your goals. Now can you repeat those days?
?What if I share with you few principles that can increase your energy level? How happy or energized would you be?
?What if I tell you the way to achieve an increase in energy level is as simple as transforming your daily activities, to feel energized?
Most people waste their energy on activities like:
It takes a lot of energy to gossip and it’s known to be the fastest data transfer mechanism ever made. Even faster than 4G or 5G. When two or more humans interact, all it takes is a few seconds. People love to share stories especially if it’s about someone they know.
We grew up watching stories in movies and TV shows. In our lives, we have heard lots and lots of different stories. Our minds function in a way that makes us share all types of stories with our social group and debate on them. If you are using your stories to motivate and inspire people, that’s great. However, if the stories are about someone in a negative or belittling manner; the conversations usually sounds like “he said”, “she said” or “guess what happened”. This way, we are not investing our energies productively.
Let’s think about a doctor and his role. If you have any problems in your body, you go see a doctor, and let’s say he gives you an injection. Let’s compare the injection to gossiping. ?Let’s now think of gossiping as giving an injection. When you gossip, you inject negativity into the other person’s body either consciously or unconsciously. Then they go on to do the same thing with a third person and this cycle repeats.
I hope you are not a gossiper or wait, are you?
Holding onto the Past?
We all have great, fun, and loving memories. They can be about anything from childhood, school, trips, events, accomplishments, and etc. It’s good to have them but staying in memory land can be harmful since the past is something you cannot change. Most people are holding onto the old accomplishment, relationships, memories, regrets, and etc. Have you ever felt that if you had a chance, you could have done it better or do it more often? Do you think about the wonderful time you’ve had in the past?
People hold themselves to what they have accomplished in the past, live in those thoughts, and only talk about those thoughts. However, the past is already gone, and they’re still stuck in that movement. This type of thinking is a waste of energy because you have no control over the past and it’s unchangeable. So why waste your time and energy dwelling in the unchangeable.?If you made any mistakes, you can learn from them and move on.
We can all make powerful choices and take control of our life, without blaming anyone or any situation. Staying in the past is more harmful, it will drain our energy and sabotage our success. Hence, we can use those experiences to make positive changes in our lives. As Tony Robbins said, “Your past does not equal your future.”
If you still cannot get your head around thinking about the past here is a very good practice that can help you. It’s called the serenity prayer. Read this every time you get a thought that you cannot change from the past:
“God grant me the Serenity to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can, and Wisdom to know the difference.” – Reinhold Niebuhr
Put it somewhere you can see in the morning every day, perhaps at your washroom mirror or at your desk. Just try this for a week and you will see a difference.
Hold on to your dream, goals, desire, passion, not the past.
Emotional Outbursts
Lots of people use their valuable energy towards aggression and start a fight or argument. Do you know what happens when you start a fight or argument? You put yourself in a point of view where you’re always right. You never look from the other person’s perspective or how they will react or think if he/she was in your place, maybe they would take the situation more calmly. If you lose an argument you lose, and if you win, you still lose it. How? Once you show your victory over the other person you have made him feel inferior, giving him a lower status. You have hurt his/her emotions and feelings. A person may forget what you said or what you did, but they will never forget how you made them feel. It’s been said that the best way to win an argument is to never get in one. So, avoid it as you would avoid snakes and earthquakes.
I hope you are a fighter, a really good fighter, to fight for your challenges that make you stronger mentally. ??
Thinking About Others Negatively
We are all guilty of judging people, being jealous, complaining, and pulling people down. It is very common when we judge people based on their appearance, status, ethnicity, and stereotypes. When you see others more delighted, blissful, and successful than you, your old and typical mental programming kicks in saying “How can they be like that, and I am not”. You start using jealousy to feed your thoughts, driving yourself crazy, and comparing yourself to others. You waste your energy doing this because you have not solved the problem. The problem is called status game. This game is powerful because it’s driven by fear and desire. Fear of missing out (FOMO) and desire to show the world. The only solution is to shift your thinking from outside to inside. Focus and channelize your energy on yourself rather than others. As Jim Kwik said, “If an?egg?is broken by an outside force, life ends. If broken by inside force, life begins. Great things always begin from inside."
Thinking separates the best from the rest, so start thinking about yourself and your future.
We use television, movies, games, and social media as a form of entertainment in our daily lives. Don’t start a movie while sitting on a couch and expect to be productive afterward. They have been designed to grab your attention and waste your time and energy. They will use tricks, sounds, emotions, scenes that will keep you engaged. In the end, your time is gone, and you have consumed something that will not help you reach your goals. The producer won and the audience lost.
We get caught in the web known as social media and waste time and energy on things we are not aware of. Artificial intelligence (AI) is created with the perfect algorithm that tracks all our data and before you know it, ads or recommendations will pop up with what you are thinking of or might be interested in looking at. Social media apps do not make any money from usage since they are free, so the driving principle behind them is your data (your name, what you type, how much time is spent, your interests, and your location). If you spend your time on social media you know how attractive it is. You get trapped in the rabbit hole and become prone to buying a product because your mind has been manipulated. Artificial intelligence’s job is to keep your attention on pages, videos, or feeds while your purpose is to be updated with what is happening around the world. The only way to avoid this is to use one rule known as prioritization. Don’t do things that are not urgent or important. Channelize your energy in something that will help you grow, like your hobbies, interests, or passion. You can do a test for yourself and see how attracted you are to social media. If someone sends you a direct message or comments on your post or story, how fast can you reply without scrolling on your feed or on other people’s posts or stories? This is what the AI is meant for; keeping your attention on social media as much as possible.?
Keep your entertainment to the minimum to maximize the character in you!
As one of my mentors had mentioned we need to learn how to manage our energy in life. Since we only have a finite amount of energy each day. For example, each day we have a jar filled with energy and we invest it in people and activities around us. We keep investing until we have no more energy left. At this point, we feel tired and go to bed and wake up the next day with the jar filled with energy again. We go out and do the same thing the next day, investing our energy, and the cycle repeats. But we never stop and think to evaluate where and what we are investing our energy in. If we treat energy the same way we treat money, we will wisely invest in people and activities that will get us closer to our desired goal. If we were to invest 500 dollars into something, we would ask a lot of questions such as, what is my return on investment and how long would it take? We should do the same with our energy. If we invest 10% of our energy into grossing or social media, that’s 10% we can use for family, business, or things that will get you closer to your desired goal. The first law of thermodynamics says; Energy cannot be created nor destroyed but it can be transferred or transformed from one form to another. So, if we give 10 percent of our energy into gossiping, is that really helping me or other people transform their lives in a positive, constructive way??
As far as science has been able to determine, the entire universe consists of two elements; matter and energy. Therefore, energy is a very critical part of our life and if used wisely it can lead to the creation of infinite intelligence.