How to use your different business languages.

How to use your different business languages.

- the language of a commercial

- the language of a video

- the language of an email

- the language of a PowerPoint

- the language of a text

- the language of a tweet

- the language of a blog

- the language of a one pager

- the language of a multi-pager

- the language of a white paper

- the language of a PR release

You get the point.

All these should be written in your company's voice – but differently.?

Most businesses, when introducing products or services, don’t think of this at all. Most will recycle messages, edit them and push them forward. Understandably so, since it takes time and consideration to rewrite for different mediums.

You, yourself have many languages or voices.?The way you order?Chow Mein at 8:30 pm?is different from a sales pitch at 9:00 am. You may be the same person, but you’re definitely not using the same words.

If your brand voice allows for wit, drollery and quips, then the choices are endless. Not taking yourself too seriously is not only a great communication strategy, but allows for great intros and wrap-ups. And your customers prefer a smile over a period at the end of a sentence.?

If your brand requires a serious, scientific, or straight up business voice, it really needs a deliberate and delicate approach of brevity without getting too unfriendly.?

Here’s where the smarts come in. Building a sentence that reveals internal and external smartness always creates interest. That doesn’t mean you have to start using ‘look-up’ words, it just means that the ‘language’ should be understandable for most. Go ahead, push the reader, but not off the grammar cliff.

Languages are spoken. People talk. So one way to write, is to talk aloud while hammering the keyboard. Make sure no one can hear you, for they might get worried about your state of mind.?

I really don’t know if this mini article resonates, so I am talking along as I’m typing this. I find it super helpful. As I’m talking, I judge my language, cadence, words and voice. Am I saying this or that correctly? Does this sentence set up the next thought? Am I unnecessarily repeating myself?

As you’re reading this hopefully out loud, you be the judge.?

Nadine Grindell

Social Media Director at Darling

2 个月

Love how you compared your voice from ordering food to a sales pitch!



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