How to use Videos for learning in a Hybrid Classroom?
Manoj Sundaram
EdTech Consultant | Helping K-12 Schools Adopt Teacher-Approved Tools (No Budget Blowouts!)
Video is one of the most powerful mediums for learning. In a world where information has become so easy to access, it's important that we find better ways to engage students in order to keep them interested and motivated. Video has been shown to increase knowledge retention rates by 100%. It also helps with memorization as videos are processed three times faster than text-based material. In this blog post, we'll talk about how you can use video in your classroom setting whether you're using a hybrid or traditional classroom model. You'll learn about the different types of videos that can be used and some great examples of instructional videos from around the web. If you're not already incorporating video into your lesson plans, you'll want to keep reading. You'll be surprised how easy it is to get started!
1. Why use video in a hybrid classroom?
Students today are using educational videos as a tool for learning everything from boiling an egg to pet training. Indeed, statistics from a 2015 eMarketer report suggest that Millennials actually make up 92 per cent of the digital video viewing audience. Topics that were once difficult to teach and learn are now more than ever accessible and understandable thanks to the availability of videos online on sites like YouTube, Vimeo, or other platforms specifically for education purposes. With instructors also embracing these modern technologies in their lessons, it's no surprise students turn here first when they need help with anything at all!
Sites like Youtube, TED, Vimeo, myViewboard clips and other similar video hosting sites give teachers access to a huge variety of materials for free or minimal cost. Research has shown that video can have a range of impacts on different aspects of learning. The variety and depth to which these impacts vary depends on the use of videos in the classroom. The only limitation is the teacher's ability to find useful material while making sure that it's appropriate for their students' ages and understanding levels.
2. How to use videos for learning?
One of the most important parts in an online or blended course is making sure your students are engaged. This often happens through video content, which can be a great way to keep them captivated with new and interesting information about whatever subject you're teaching. But while videos might seem like they cover all bases when it comes to digital learning content, there's more than one kind that will work well for different types of courses! For example: if you're running an online class where everyone has access to their own computer screen then interactive slideshows may provide some good visuals; whereas if this isn't possible (for instance, because your classroom doesn’t have enough computers) then recording yourself talking directly into a webcam would likely do just fine as long as it's not too distracting!
Instead of lecturing during class, teachers should record video lessons for their students to watch ahead of time. This way, the teacher can spend in-class time on higher order activities such as in-depth discussions or practical application while also answering questions from individual students one at a time throughout the day. Science, cooking, and creative arts are just a few of the areas where hands-on demonstrations can be very enlightening. Record your activities to help all students understand what you're teaching, even if they miss class due to illness or personal emergency.? Students can also work on independent projects while going back and reviewing a specific video lesson before interacting with their teacher. Videos should not be used to serve the entire lesson but rather more as an enhancement or a valuable asset to the unit of study or understanding of a topic.
Some pedagogical ideas for using videos in your teaching and learning:
3. Video tips and tricks
Too often, when teachers play instructional videos in full screen mode on the monitor during a remote learning environment, they are giving up valuable space that could be used as an activity for students. A better approach would be for educators to use smaller windows so students have enough room around their screens for doodling notes, as well as being able see everything else happening when they need another device open at once. It's something worth considering if you want your student to really absorb all those valuable lessons!
Research suggests that shorter instructional videos are more engaging for students because they have the attention span to focus on a video which is less than six minutes long. The current study found an average retention rate of 60% when viewing short, five-minute or fewer instructional videos in relation to longer ones at 45%. Younger learners may develop better skills with using their time well and focusing if you show them two three minute clips instead of one ten minute clip.
Google Slides and PowerPoint are both great tools to use when editing your videos. They allow you to choose the start time for a video, as well as its end time in order not have “the fingerpaint-and scrub moment," otherwise known as trying unsuccessfully find where it starts on YouTube or Vimeo due to their many easily missable features that make locating specific points difficult.
One of the most important factors when considering video for classroom use is quality. Frames per second (fps) refers to the rate at which images appear; higher rates mean smoother videos. Sixty fps is what televised sports are played on TV at, while 24 fps represents "cinema grade." Resolution measures how detailed or crisp each frame appears in a movie—ideally 1080p or higher should be used when sharing media from laptops to projectors. On student devices, 720p should be sufficient; however, anything less and the video quality can appear blurry (even with good bandwidth).
4. Best practices for using video in your own class?
If you want to keep your audience engaged, polling tools and mini-assessments are a must. They will help them stay on track with the information as they watch it unfold visually in front of their eyes. Here are some tips for embedding video into your course:
5. Best video websites for teachers
TED-Ed - On TED-Ed, you can find informative videos about a variety of topics in high quality. Some subjects include English grammar and geography. Students can search for a video by subject or browse the website to learn more about topics they're interested in as well as ask peers questions on an online forum.
Khan academy - Khan Academy started out with its popular video series. Now, people can just go to the website and search for a learning video about any given topic they want to teach or learn. Subjects available include math, science and engineering, computing, arts and humanities, and economics and finance.
National Geographic Education - National Geographic has a wide variety of documentary films and magazine articles, but now teachers can also take advantage of National Geographic materials for lessons. On the website, there are ready-to-use lesson plans with supporting images or videos.
Teachertube - Teachertube is a video sharing website where teachers can share educational videos with their students. This site also allows teachers to post questions and receive answers from other educators.
BO Clips -BO Clips is a website that provides teachers with film clips for the classroom. Provides a vast library of rights-cleared, product-ready educational videos to help education providers enrich their offerings with media-rich assets.
Youtube - Youtube has millions of videos on any subject imaginable. Teachers can search for video clips and short films to use with their students. One popular channel, TED-Ed, provides over 3,000 free lesson plans that teachers can access and integrate into their lesson plans. Many of these videos also have teacher resources available on the website as well.
For exciting lessons and educational resources, visit,, and
Final Thoughts:
The best part about using videos in a hybrid classroom is that they are engaging, informative and easy for students to access. Videos can be used as teaching tools or just supplementary materials depending on the subject matter being taught. Do hope you’ve found these tips helpful and encourage you to share your thoughts by commenting below!