How to use standards contribution data to understand SEP portfolios?
Technical standard contribution data can drastically change how a technology, portfolio or competitor is viewed. An analysis of a company’s number of contributions shows whether it is leading in standards development. This assumes that companies with the greatest influence (ie, those that have submitted most of the approved technical contributions) will also have the strongest SEP portfolios. However, standards contributions and SEPs cannot be counted equally. Experts in the field emphasise that the main goal of submitting a technical contribution is to develop the best possible standard to enable products in the market. Therefore, some contributions may not describe a technical step that is essential to the standard and a sizable share of technical specifications are not subject to patents. Still, the submission of patented contributions allows SEPs to be incorporated into standards. Contribution data therefore provides key information to understanding the competition for connectivity technologies. IPlytics takes a deep dive into standards contribution data and explains how this provides key insights into the SEP portfolios of major companies in the tech space. Here IPlytics integrates all submitted contribution information in full text and creates a direct link to the contributing company. Our report provides an overview of the top companies that develop standards and contribute to cellular, wireless, and video compression technology. Here standards such as 4G, 5G, Wi-Fi 5 or 6 and HEVC or VVC are all subject thousands of SEPs. Analyzing contribution data for such standards is a starting point to understand SEP ownership.
The report explains in more detail:
- Who is leading the standards development race?
- How to refine and count standards contributions?
- Standards contributions as means to file essential patents.
- Standards contributions as early warning systems.
- Standards contributions for prior art search.
- Standards contributions to understand the future of connectivity.
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