How to Use Spotify Behind a Proxy Server
If you're a Spotify user experiencing issues with a corporate proxy, you may have noticed that simply setting the proxy in your GUI doesn't work as expected. Here’s a step-by-step guide for configuring Spotify on Linux:
- Install Spotify: Download and install Spotify from your preferred repository. (I'm using Ubuntu without Snap, so I opted for the `.deb` version but here is a good instruction for that.)
2. Initial Launch: Open Spotify once, then close it.
3. Edit Preferences: Open the '~/.config/spotify/prefs` file ('~' stands for your home directory) in your preferred text editor. Clear the existing content and add the following lines:
4. Save and Restart: Save the changes and restart Spotify. You should now be able to login and stream music seamlessly.
For Mac and Windows Users
- Mac: The configuration file is located at `~/Library/Application Support/Spotify/prefs`.
- Windows: You’ll find it at `C:\Users\AppData\Roaming\Spotify\prefs`.
Important Notes
- Be sure to replace `Server`, `PORT`, `USERNAME`, and `PASSWORD` with your specific proxy details.
- If your proxy server doesn't require authentication, simply remove last 2 lines.