How to Use Ruby to Read Problem Node and Links from the SWMM5 Report File and Add them as Selected Elements in ICM SWMM
Robert Dickinson
Autodesk Water Technologist for Storm Sewer and Flood | Expert in ICM InfoWorks ICM SWMM/Ruby | 18 Years at Innovyze/Autodesk | 52 Years with EPASWMM TAC for CIMM.ORG SWMM5+
Utilizing the Tools in the InfoWorks Geoplan in ICM SWMM can greatly enhance understanding and optimization of the SWMM5 model. Here's how integrating specific data sections into the Geoplan interface can improve model comprehension and performance. The Ruby code extracts Each List from the report file and adds them as selected elements.
Highest Continuity Errors List
Explanation: Continuity errors in SWMM5 indicate discrepancies between inflows, outflows, and stored volumes in the model. High continuity errors suggest potential issues in the model configuration or data inaccuracies.
Benefits of Geoplan Selection:
Time-Step Critical Elements List
Explanation: The Courant–Friedrichs–Lewy (CFL) condition is crucial for numerical stability in SWMM5. Elements with small time-step requirements can significantly slow down the simulation. Knowing where they are on the GeoPlan is helpful.
Benefits of Geoplan Selection:
Highest Flow Instability Indexes List
Explanation: Flow instability in model elements can lead to oscillations and unreliable results. The flow instability index measures the extent of these oscillations.
Benefits of Geoplan Selection:
Most Frequent Nonconverging Nodes List
Explanation: Nonconverging nodes indicate areas where the iterative solution process fails to converge within the set tolerance, often due to complex hydraulic conditions.
Benefits of Geoplan Selection:
Routing Time Step Summary List
Explanation: The routing time step summary provides an overview of the time steps used throughout the simulation, influenced by the variable CFL condition and other factors.
Benefits of Geoplan:
Implementation and Investigation
How to Implement:
By leveraging the Geoplan interface to visualize and investigate these critical aspects, you can gain deeper insights into the SWMM5 model, identify and resolve issues more effectively, and ensure a stable and efficient simulation (Figure 2).
Ruby Code for Reading the SWMM5 File
Closing Note:
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