How to use psychology to deal with pandemic
We often believe that we need to see things to believe them… but what if I told you that believing is seeing and psychology actually supports this?
Application of confirmation bias -
For those of you who do not know, a self-fulfilling prophecy are ideas that become reality simply because someone believes them. An example of which is if someone believes the sexist stereotype that women are bad drivers, whenever they see a bad driver who is female they will feel justified in their belief and remember it, same with good drivers who are male.
But, should they happen to see a woman who is a good driver, or a man who is a bad driver, it will be “an exception” or bound to the situation, or they simply will not remember it.
The question is what will happen if we start believing some positive things about ourselves and the world? If we believe the world to be a better place it will not necessarily become better right away, but from our perspective we will see more positive things in the world and less negatives, allowing us to be more positive and leave a positive impact on it, making the world a better place. Now I invite you to think how you view the pandemic situation in your own country?
Believing something first causes you to see proof of it wherever you go!
Use this to boost your confidence, intelligence, and even your attractiveness. But be aware that always turning a blind eye can be destructive as well. It is good to have empowering beliefs but keep it in limits.
That being said, start to ask yourself what you want to believe and then strengthen those beliefs until they turn into self-fulfilling prophecies.
Motion creates Emotion - This is more commonly known as the Embodiment Theory in Psychology
This theory says that your body creates the emotion, and not the other way around. We believe that we cry because we feel sad… but what if we actually were sad because we cried?
This is what the Embodiment Theory tries to put forth. Although this is a bit much, we know that it is true to a certain extent. We have all heard that smiling makes you happier, but have you ever tried this with being confident, smart, attractive, charismatic, or excited instead of being scared and feeling helpless
You can call forth any emotion you desire by simply behaving in the way that people feeling that emotion do.
Imagine a confident person in your mind right now… How do they walk? How do they move their arms? How do they look at the world? What do they do with their facial muscles? How do they smile? Talk? And how do they view the situation from their point of view?
You know the answer to most of these questions, and all that is left for you to adopt their confidence is to model them and copy what they do.
That’s it. That is how you can feel whatever you want to feel.
Chanting Pirith ,Spraying Pirith Pan ( chanted water) and other religious rituals may help you to achieve this
Ask yourself: “What would the ____ version of myself do in this situation?” And fill in whatever adjective you want to. Visualize that person as detailed as you can, copy them and just act it out.
Make your body work for you and feel whatever awesome emotions you want to!
Jayadeva de Silva for Humantalents International