How to Use Playwright Locators: A Detailed Guide
Automated testing has become indispensable for ensuring the reliability and performance of web applications. End-to-end testing frameworks like Playwright have emerged as powerful tools enabling developers and testers to simulate real user interactions across browsers. A fundamental aspect of effectively using Playwright is mastering Playwright Locators—tools that allow precise identification and manipulation of web elements.
This detailed guide aims to comprehensively understand Playwright Locators, their types, usage, and best practices to enhance your automation testing strategies.
What is Playwright?
Playwright is an open-source Node.js library developed by Microsoft to automate web browsers. It provides a high-level API to control Chromium and WebKit, enabling cross-browser testing with a single codebase. Playwright is designed to be reliable, fast, and capable of handling modern web applications that heavily rely on JavaScript.
Key Features of Playwright
Installing and Setting Up Playwright
Installing Playwright
# Using npm
npm init playwright@latest
# Using Yarn
yarn create playwright
Project Initialization
1. Create a New Directory:
mkdir playwright-tests
cd playwright-tests
2. Initialize the Project:
npm init -y
Browser Installation
Playwright manages browser binaries internally. To install browsers:
npx playwright install
Getting Started with Playwright
Writing Your First Test
Let's write a simple test to ensure the Playwright website's title contains "Playwright".
Step 1: Create a Test File
Create a new file named example.spec.ts inside the tests directory:
touch tests/example.spec.ts
Step 2: Write the Test Code
Open example.spec.ts in your code editor and add the following code:
import { test, expect } from '@playwright/test';
test('has title', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');
// Expect the title to contain "Playwright".
await expect(page).toHaveTitle(/Playwright/);
Step 3: Add Another Test (Optional)
Let's add another test to interact with a page element:
test('get started link', async ({ page }) => {
await page.goto('');
// Click the "Get started" link.
await page.getByRole('link', { name: 'Get started' }).click();
// Expect the page to have a heading with the name "Installation".
await expect(page.getByRole('heading', { name: 'Installation' })).toBeVisible();
Running the Tests
To run your tests, use the Playwright test runner command:
npx playwright test
The test runner will search for files matching *.spec.ts or *.spec.js in the tests directory and execute them.
Expected Output
You should see an output similar to:
Running 2 tests using 1 worker
? [chromium] ? tests/example.spec.ts:3:1 ? has title (2s)
? [chromium] ? tests/example.spec.ts:10:1 ? get started link (1s)
2 passed (3s)
This indicates that both tests have passed successfully.
Understanding Playwright Locators
What Are Locators?
Locators in Playwright are objects used to find elements on a web page. They are the cornerstone for interacting with web elements—clicking buttons, entering text, selecting options, and more. By using locators, you can write scripts that mimic real user actions, essential for thorough end-to-end testing.
Purpose of Locators
Locators vs. Selectors
When to Use Locators vs. Selectors
Drawbacks of Using Selectors Directly vs. Advantages of Using Locators
Importance in Testing
Using locators effectively is crucial for the following:
Test Reliability
Test reliability reduces false negatives caused by flaky tests. Precise and robust locators ensure that your test scripts interact with the correct web elements every time. By accurately identifying elements, you reduce the risk of tests failing due to elements not being found or incorrect elements being manipulated.
Locator efficiency minimizes the time spent writing and maintaining tests. Effective locators simplify your test scripts, making them more readable and easier to maintain. Using straightforward and consistent locator strategies reduces the time spent debugging and updating tests. When the application's UI changes, well-crafted locators are easier to adjust.
Locator scalability allows tests to grow with the application without becoming unmanageable. As your application grows, the number of elements and interactions increases. Using modular and reusable locator strategies allows your tests to scale alongside your application without becoming unwieldy.
Overview of Locator Syntax
Locators are created using methods like page.locator(selector) and can be manipulated using chaining methods for actions and assertions.
const button = page.locator('button.submit');
Types of Playwright Locators
Playwright offers a variety of locators to suit different test scenarios. Understanding these helps in selecting the most effective locator for each element.
Label locators
The getByLabel locator allows you to find elements that contain a specific text string. It searches through the page's rendered text content and matches elements whose visible text corresponds to the provided value.
const emailInput = page.getByLabel('Email Address');
await emailInput.fill('[email protected]');
Placeholder locators
The getByPlaceholder locator finds input elements using their placeholder attribute value. The placeholder text is the hint or example text displayed inside input fields when empty.
const searchInput = page.getByPlaceholder('Search');
await searchInput.fill('Playwright');
AltText locators
The getByAltText locator finds elements with an alt attribute matching the specified text, commonly used with images (<img> tags). The alt attribute provides alternative information for an image if a user cannot view it and is a key component of web accessibility.
const logoImage = page.getByAltText('Company Logo');
await expect(logoImage).toBeVisible();
Title locators
The getByTitle locator allows you to find elements by their title attribute value. The title attribute is often used to provide additional information about an element, typically displayed as a tooltip when the user hovers over it.
const tooltipElement = page.getByTitle('Additional Information');
await expect(tooltipElement).toBeVisible();
Test ID locators
The getByTestId locator is designed to find elements using a data attribute specifically for testing purposes, such as data-testid. Using a dedicated attribute for test selection, you decouple your tests from the styling and structure of the application, making them more resilient to changes in the UI.
const menu = page.getByTestId('main-menu');
Text Locators
Matching by text helps target elements with their visible text content. It is useful to find elements containing specific text that are useful for buttons or links.
// Using getByText()
const button = page.getByText('Submit');
Role Locators
Select elements based on their ARIA roles, improving accessibility testing. Role selectors allow tests to interact with elements in the same way assistive technologies interpret and engage with web content.
// Using getByRole()
const checkbox = page.getByRole('checkbox', { name: 'Subscribe to newsletter' });
await checkbox.check();
CSS Selectors
CSS selectors help select elements in browsers effectively and efficiently. Utilize standard CSS syntax to select elements based on classes, IDs, attributes, and hierarchical relationships.
// Select by class
const element = page.locator('.my-class');
// Select by ID
const element = page.locator('#my-id');
// Select by attribute
const element = page.locator('input[name="username"]');
XPath Selectors
XPath selectors help select elements based on their HTML content and structure. Leverage XPath Path language to navigate the DOM tree.
const element = page.locator('//div[@class="container"]//a[text()="Learn more"]');
Nth Selectors
Target elements based on their position in a list or hierarchy.
// Select the third item in a list
const item = page.locator('ul > li').nth(2);
React Selectors
For applications built with React, Playwright provides special selectors to locate components by their name or props, facilitating testing of React-specific components.
// Selecting a React component by its name
const component = page.locator('_react=MyComponent');
// Selecting a component with specific props
const componentWithProps = page.locator('_react=MyComponent[foo="bar"]');
// Interacting with a component's method (if exposed)
await component.evaluate((node) => {
// Access component's methods or state
Note: React selectors rely on internal knowledge of the application's component hierarchy and require the application to be in development mode. They are particularly useful when you can access the component's source code and need to test components in isolation.
Vue Selectors
Similarly, for Vue.js applications, Playwright offers selectors the ability to locate Vue components by name or props.
// Selecting a Vue component by its name
const component = page.locator('_vue=MyComponent');
// Selecting a component with specific props
const componentWithProps = page.locator('_vue=MyComponent[title="Welcome"]');
// Accessing component data
await component.evaluate((node) => {
// Interact with the component's data or methods
Note: Vue selectors require the application to expose component details and are best used in development environments. They allow for more granular testing of Vue components, especially when you need to interact with component-specific properties or methods.
Best Practices for Effective Locator Usage
Leverage Playwright's Built-in Locators
Playwright's locators come with auto-waiting and retry mechanisms, ensuring actions are performed on ready elements.
// ?? Good Practice
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Submit' }).click();
Prefer User-Facing Attributes to XPath or CSS Selectors
Relying on the DOM structure or CSS classes can lead to fragile tests that break when the UI changes. Instead, use locators based on user-facing attributes like roles and accessible names.
// ?? Bad Practice
// ?? Good Practice
page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Submit' });
Leverage Auto-Waiting
Playwright automatically waits for elements to be actionable before performing actions on them. Utilize this feature to write cleaner code without explicit waits.
// No need for explicit wait
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Submit' }).click();
Use Data Attributes for Stable Selectors
Consider adding custom data-testid attributes to your elements when built-in locators are insufficient. This provides a stable way to locate less likely to change elements.
await page.getByTestId('submit-button').click();
Use Class Names Carefully
Class names can be used when IDs or accessibility IDs are not available. However, they may not be unique and can change if the UI is updated.
await page.locator('.submit-button').click();
Utilize Native Locator Strategies When Necessary
Playwright supports native locator strategies interpreted by the underlying automation frameworks, such as -android uiautomator, -ios predicate string, and -ios class chain.
// Using Android UIAutomator await page.locator('android=UiSelector().text("Submit")').click();
Use Image Locators as a Last Resort
Image locators (-image) allow you to find elements based on images. While useful in certain scenarios, they should be used sparingly.
await page.locator('image=path/to/image.png').click();
Using Playwright with HeadSpin
To use Playwright with HeadSpin, first start a browser session.
Launch the Browser with HeadSpin CLI:
Run the Node.js script or command to start the browser session:
const { spawn } = require('node:child_process');
sp = spawn(
'-t', 'your_headspin_api_token',
Alternatively, execute the command directly in the terminal:
hs connect browser -t your_headspin_api_token device_specifier
Sample piece of code that imports Playwright:
Run the Playwright Tests:
node playwright_android.js
Enhancing Testing with HeadSpin Integration
While Playwright provides robust tools for automation, integrating it with a platform like HeadSpin can significantly boost your testing capabilities.
Use Cloud-Based Testing Environments
Run Tests in Parallel
Monitor Test Performance and Results
Integrate into CI/CD Pipelines
Ensure Tests Are Maintainable and Scalable
Mastering Playwright Locators is a pivotal step in enhancing your end-to-end testing strategy. By understanding the various locator types and best practices, you can write tests that are reliable, maintainable, and reflective of real user interactions.
Integrating Playwright with advanced testing platforms like HeadSpin further amplifies your testing efficiency. The combination of robust locator strategies and powerful testing tools ensures that your web applications are thoroughly tested, delivering high-quality software to users.
Source: This content was first published on