How to use PancakeSwap with Ledger to swap Crypto or Provide liquidity

How to use PancakeSwap with Ledger to swap Crypto or Provide liquidity

Before you start

Connect your Ledger device to PancakeSwap

Swapping your asset with PancakeSwap

Providing liquidity via PancakeSwap

PancakeSwap is one of the most popular AMM on BSC by user count. PancakeSwap allows its users to swap, stack yield, and leverage, all on one decentralized, community-driven platform.

By connecting your Ledger to PancakeSwap, you can easily swap assets or provide liquidity.

This article guide contains information on how to use PancakeSwap with Ledger to swap Crypto or Provide liquidity.

To fix this

Please download the last update of Ledger Live Application:

  1. Ledger Live for Windows 10/11
  2. Ledger Live for MAC
  3. Ledger Live for Android

● Update your Ledger device to the latest firmware.

● Update Ledger Live to the latest version.

Connect your Ledger device to PancakeSwap

● Go to

● Click on Connect Wallet and select more.

● Choose Ledger.

● Connect with either your Ledger Live app or scan with your Ledger Live mobile app.

● Authorise the process on your Ledger device.

● Wait for the process to finish and for your Ledger account to be successfully connected to PancakeSwap.

Swapping your asset with PancakeSwap

Before beginning this tutorial, make sure that the tokens you want to swap are stored in your Ledger account.

● Go to

● Make sure that your Ledger account is connected to PancakeSwap.

● Go to Swap.

● Choose the asset you want to swap and enter the value. Choose the asset you want to receive in return for your swapped coins and click on Swap.

● Review the transaction and if everything looks good, click on Confirm.

● Check your Ledger device and verify the transaction. If everything looks good, Accept the transaction.

● Now you have successfully swapped coins on your Ledger device on PancakeSwap.

Providing liquidity via PancakeSwap

Before beginning this tutorial, make sure that the tokens you want to liquidate are stored in your Ledger account.

● Go to

● Make sure that your Ledger account is connected to PancakeSwap.

● Go to Liquidity.

● Click on Add Liquidity.

● Choose the two trading pairs you want to add liquidity. Then, simply select the number of tokens to create your pool (please note that the two token amounts need to match each other in monetary value, for instance, CAKE $100 — ETH $100)

● Once you have entered the amount of tokens to liquidate, click on Add.

● Review and approve the transaction if everything looks good on your Ledger device.

● Now you’ve successfully added liquidity via PancakeSwap.

Remove Liquidity

● Head to and click on Liquidity. Make sure your Ledger account is still connected to PancakeSwap (Make sure you have some Ethereum to cover gas fees!).

● On the Liquidity tab, you will see your new liquidity position on the “My Liquidity” page. And you will be able to check its detail by clicking on the position.

● To remove your liquidity, just click on Remove.

● Choose how much liquidity you want to remove. Choose “MAX” to remove all of your liquidity from this pair.

● Review and verify the transaction on your Ledger device, if everything looks good.

● Now you’ve successfully removed liquidity from PancakeSwap.

