How to use nikto
Nikto is a powerfull tool write in Perl language, with the objective to realize vulnerabilities analisys on Web servers. It was developed to evidence what is obvious: This tools will found many types of files, configurations and default programs with vulnerabilities on your web server, turning into an assistant to others frameworks like OpenVas, Nessus, Metasploit and others.
On the contrary of others scanners like Uniscan, it wasn't search for failures like SQL Injection, just will test the server on the configuration level
Nikto isn't a tool what work lonely, it's an assistant of frameworks of exploitation, normaly the result of scans come in format of ID's of exploit published like this "OSVDB-12184"
Here on this link? could search for more datails about any fault, just search about id of this fault.
Nikto on the pratice
The syntax is simple on this scanner:
root@kali:/# nikto -h?
Where? a URL or IP Address of target what will be verified by Nikto
We have knowledge about cases where the web server apache or nginx don't execute on the 80 port of server, so we could send a request to Nikto execute a scan on one specify port of server.
root@kali:/# nikto -h? 8080
On Nikto is possible to define many ports to execute a scan:
root@kali:/# nikto -h? 80, 8080, 443
And is possible to generate a report on a HTML file, of all failures founded on the server.
root@kali:/# nikto -h? 8080 -o exemplo.html
Using Nikto with TOR
We could find situations what a server have a active firewall, what could block a IP Address with a determined number requests. In this case we need to be anonymous using hosts of TOR network.
(I'll write other tutorial about TOR proxychains)
Realizing the attack with TOR and Nikto
root@kali:/#?service tor start
root@kali:/#?proxychains nikto -h?