How To Use NEURONWriter. Diary of an SEO - Ep. 4
Peter Cutforth
?? eLearning Consultant & RTO Owner. ?? Digital Media, Marketing, & Business AI Consultant. Our RTO offers Compliance Training incl. White Card, Chain of Responsibility, RSA & other courses.
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Welcome to the Diary of an SEO episode number four. And today we're going to look at how we use the wonderful on page optimization software, Neuron Writer. Now, what we've done here is we have put into the software, actually, let me just go back and show you projects. So we create a project, which is one of my clients Business names: Intelliscreens.
Then we put in here the query that we're wanting to optimize for and that we're wanting to see where that particular page ranks for in the SERPs. So, in this case, now this was done, this was actually done by one of my SEO geniuses on the 1st of May by the looks of it. So it'll be just interesting to see.
So retractable fly screens is the keyword. And if we we click on that, it brings up what we've imported the content from the actual website. And if we click on the competition here, we will see the rankings at the time that this scan was done. So what you can see here is we've got 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. We're ranked number 5 according to NeuronWriter.
And when we look at what it does is it gives us a score. Now, how it does this, I don't know exactly how it does this, obviously, but it uses an AI assisted algorithm to basically scrape the top 10 results. If we've got 10, it'll do more. It's down to 30, but we're really only interested in the top 10.
It assigns a score of each ranking page. Not the website, the actual page, based on the semantic and topical relevance of the words that it, well, it, it, it displays the rankings as they are, but then it assembles, as I understand it, all the words, the relevant you know, semantic indexing and semantic indexing.
Terms and keywords that are found on that page and all of these pages that you get it to scan, that you select. And it then assembles the frequency of those terms as they're used in headings and subheadings and body copy. And it presents that as a kind of aggregated you know, average of those terms for these top ranking sites.
So technically speaking, when this assessment had been done, we should have excluded, I believe. This one and this one and probably this one at 48 because these aren't high scores. So even though that the websites are ranking in the first 10, okay, so anyway, what we'll just note here quickly is that the score for my client was 65 and the ranking was number five, according to.
According to NeuronWriter at the time. Now what my team member did is go through this. So this is the actual use. This is a really useful part of NeuronWriter. Is this is, this is the content that we have on the page here. So we can instantly see there's 2267 words, which is pretty good. We can look at the terms that are in the headings.
Here, and the terms in the article. Okay, so that's a useful distinction to make. And it will use these terms to create the overall score, both in the headings, so the H1, H2 to H3, and in the, in the article itself. So a green score means that it's that it's, Meeting the suggestion by NeuronWriter for the frequency, so this is easier to see in these terms here.
Now the body copy terms are divided up into basic, which as far as I understand is the, is the main sort of key sort of terms that it would expect to see, and then extended, which are other terms. Now, it will color code your Keyword density basically around these terms. So as you can see, if we look here, we can see that Australian, the word Australian and the word best retractable, these are in red and also screen solutions down here.
So now red should mean that this is over optimized. Okay, so normally. We would work to decrease, say let's take this one, screen solutions. We would look through the copy. Now what we can do is we can click on this here and we can highlight the term in the text. So then we can go through, there it is, so we've got Screen Solutions.
So it shows us where all those references are. Now, normally we would reduce this because this looks over optimized. It's not really a dangerous term to be over optimized for. And what, in this case, I believe, what we found is if we did actually, Swap these terms out. We don't just delete them, obviously, because then we're not going to have you know, human readable grammar.
So what we do is we have to actually re word them, put a different two or three words in here for that, you know, for what we're trying to say. We did that for that one, and the score actually went down. Which is interesting not sure if that was the case also for Best Retractable and Australian.
But, seeing as our main term is Retractable Fly screens, and Retractable Screens I would be worried if we had majorly over optimised for "Retractable Fly screens" or "Retractable Screens". As you can see, these are coloured yellow, or beige, so they are sort of, slightly over the suggested maximum range that is suggested.
Now, I work primarily in Australia with Australian clients and my own businesses are Australian. Personally, my hunch is, and I don't really necessarily have any sort of study to show this, but my hunch is we can tend to get away with a little bit more over optimization than perhaps in a different market like the dot com market, the US market or global market. That's just my, so in Australia with the site, we can tend to get away with that a little bit more, but you've got to be careful. So the beauty of this is that this allows us to play around. So if we take our main term here, we can see that it's in the H one and there's nothing else diluting it in the H one.
So that's good. Yeah. Not necessarily the best term from a direct response copywriting perspective, I realise that. But in this case we really just wanted to optimise our ranking. So we've got the H1 we've got, actually it should be, that's interesting. I'll have to check on the site, that shouldn't be an H1 there, that should be an H2.
We should change that to H2, which will do that. Score, and the score updates pretty well live, it takes maybe two or three seconds, the score hasn't changed there. So we can see here retractable, all this is used so look, it is, it is on the surface a bit over optimized for retractable fly screens. It probably could afford to be, to have a few of those dropped off.
But we shall see. So anyway, this is what it's done now. My writer has gone through carefully and this is a little bit tedious. It's gone through all of these green terms. You can see when he first looked at it when it had the cause this is the updated score. We'll be interesting to rerun this.
In fact, we'll do this now. So you can see the original score was 65. So. Now, I'm not quite sure how we re, re update that. So, what I'm going to do, is we're going to go back to my, we're going to go back to this project. and we'll just run the query again. So remember that that was 65 and it was ranking number two.
We're going to put in here a new query and we're going to go retractable fly screens. We've set it for the relevant country, relevant language, and we're going to hit start. Okay. So that's going to be working away here in the meantime. So we'll go back now and just look at the Look at this. So what, what we did just bring that, wait for that to, yeah, there we go.
So you can see that we ended up with a score of 83, and which shows here the little trophy cup, which is the assessed top score of what's in the top 10 at that, at the time. So with the optimization that my writer has done here, What is basically done is selected what, what of these terms he can reasonably fit in with, with good grammar into the body copy.
Now we've got 2, 200 words to play with, which is handy. Just one tip which may be useful for some of you is if you want to, if you want to have a, A home page or a landing page, which primarily has direct response sale, co sales copy at the top of it with, you know, call to action buttons for leads or sales.
That's fine. And then put down towards the bottom of the pace, you can see all, all here, all our features and benefits, blah, blah, blah. Now what we've got down here is an H two. This is essentially right at the bottom of the page. Is a comprehensive buyer's guide on how to find the best retractable screens door supplier.
Okay, so this is something you can do in pretty well every niche. And you just basically write out you know, some useful points, make sure it's high value content. About, that's going to add value to somebody that is potentially looking at buying whatever product or service the website's selling.
Alright, so this area here obviously gives us a lot more scope to use some of these terms. And you can see that my writer has gone right down to the bottom here and you know, included a lot of these terms where they're green. You can see they're included, where they're based. They may have more references than it suggests, but that's not really a big problem.
And the, the grey ones here mean that they're not used at all. So for instance, Retractable Apply Screen Doors Melbourne, we don't service Melbourne, so we certainly wouldn't be using that. Easy Screens is a competitor, we certainly wouldn't be using that. Okay, so. Then we just save that and then copy this into the actual website, which just to show you is, well, let's just do the search.
Now bear in mind, because we've just re indexed this, the results could be anywhere. So it's nice to always, it's always nice to see that my pay per click advertising is working well. So he's ranked number one in pay per click. Now, here we go. Okay, cool. So he's still number three. So this is the one, number one result, number two result and number three result.
Is there, there he is there. I think we've discussed this in another episode of, um, the diary of an SEO. And you know, I'm, you know, I'd love to love him to be number two, but this player here is big, big national player and typically has always ranked number one. They actually used to be my client years and years and years ago.
And has recently been knocked off by this one here. So that's a whole other story, but I'm reasonably happy with this. This is the main term as it gets 5, 400 searches a month nationally. So that's quite a decent you know, decent lot of search volume for a niche like this. All right. So let's see.
So that's basically how it works. You, you just do that, you save it, you make the changes, you can, you can save it in here and then you've got to copy it obviously into your website. That can, you know, you've got to be careful how you do that. Obviously you can't necessarily just select all and paste it in depending on what kind of website editor you use.
We use mostly WordPress. So let's go back now to my projects.
Intelliscreens. Let's see if this has updated at all. Okay, here we go. So it has updated. It hasn't populated these things here, but it's bringing up the results. So let's see. Okay, cool. So it's showing now us as ranking number four. We're actually ranking number three, not necessarily, you know, perfectly accurate in that regard, but look here.
You can see now that our page score is 81. So it's gone from 65 to 81. Our word length, length in words is 2, 399, which is by far the highest of all of them except the number 13 result. So this is very cool. And, if we wanted to go ahead and, in fact, let's just, let's just do it. What we're going to do is we'll just go through the whole process to get to that pane that I showed you before.
I'm going to untick these ones here because they don't have a high enough score. This one here, let's say Retractable Screens Melbourne's got a 68 score, which is actually pretty good. Other than that, there's nothing that impressive. So we're just going to leave it like that, and we're going to click on next.
And that is just going to do a little bit of thinking. Great, so now it's it's processed that. You can see the top score here is now us, we're 81. And this is a blank canvas. So now what we would do is we go try to auto import content. And we would, let's just click. on the actual. Actually, that's interesting, isn't it?
You know, it's very interesting there. So this is going to, this is very interesting. It's actually picked up a sub page. Let's see. I don't think it's done that. Let's just cancel that. Go back to the competition.
No, it's picking up here, it's picking up the home page. That is something quite interesting though, I'm not quite sure, so this may be an issue because it's an Australian site, it's not able to scrape and read dot com dot au perfectly accurately, I'm not quite sure. So that is very interesting, we would actually need to drop this URL because what it's done is it's, it's, the.
The page one ranking is actually picking up retractable fly screens Brisbane, very interesting. Anyway, so for the sake of the discussion though, to keep going, so before this video gets too long, we're going to go back to the home page, and so we're just going to go back to content editor, and we're going to try to, what do I import, we're going to import the, Put the URL in there and import.
We'll just wait while that works. And boom, that only took about three seconds. There it is. So there's our copy. Just like I showed you before. It's ranking our copy as 83 score with the top competitor at 81, but we are the top competitors! There's a little bit of inaccuracy there, but as you can see, it really hasn't hasn't really changed that much.
Even though I deselected those sort of lower scoring ones. In actual fact, there's only one that's red now. So, that's pretty good. And, with this now, once you you know, I think, I think the consensus with using Neuron is once you get to about 80, You know, you, you're, you're at the point of the Law of Diminishing Returns.
So you could spend another hour trying to, you know, squeeze some of these extra terms in and, you know, maybe reduce the use of this a tiny bit. That is probably not really going to help that much. Generally, I find you've got to add probably between th Three to six of these ones in the extender to get one extra score in the point, one extra point in the score.
These ones can typically add more than one, you know, more than that or they're easier to, to score with. So look, we could add in types of doors. We could put a phrase in somewhere that says you know, we cater for multiple different types of doors. So that'd probably be a good addition there. But, you know, I'm not really worried about that now.
So. Because we've, you know, we've got this page ranked really well. What is interesting though, is that isn't as much as we've, you know, tried to optimise that page very well for the homepage, very well for this term. Strangely enough, it's not pulling that page. It's pulling a sub page. Because I'm searching based in Brisbane.
So, that is an interesting observation there. But anyway, this, I think, video is long enough now. So, we will we'll finish it off there. And I hope that's given you a good overview of how to use Neuron. It's a now that one final thing, though, I should say is in the competition. I'm sure everybody who is familiar with SEO watching this would know that just because we have the highest on page score does not mean we're necessarily going to rank automatically number one by a long shot.
And I've covered this before in a previous episode. The reason why we're not ranking number one or number two Is simply because these sites for whatever reason, have more authority. Now with FreedomScreen is very easy to see. They have a Moz DA of 22. Our Moz DA is quite low, but the actual page authority is 22 or so.
Let's just quickly see. So I'm just going to use a tool called Mangools for this, which is a Chrome extension. And yep, so look, I personally can't explain this, it's always been an issue with this site. I think the general opinion amongst SEOs is don't really worry about it. But our page authority on the homepage is 33.
That's pretty good, right? Let's, just out of interest, because I might be proving myself wrong here, and this is where obviously SEO is a part art, part science, right? Let's run mangles for This look at that, page authority is 32, so So yep, so our page authority on the home page is pretty much, you know, we're slightly beating them.
Their DA is also much lower than their page authority, but nowhere near as much lower than, than ours. So I think this is a, you know, I don't know, it's a bit of a glitch from my perspective in terms of that. Now let's see if we, I think if I go back here there we go. Not sure if I've got enough credits left now in Mangools.
So I need to show the exact data. Sometimes Mangools does get its knickers in a knot a little bit when trying to display a subpage subpage data. Let's just see. Okay, so Mangools wasn't really playing, so I've just, there's plenty of different ways to do this, I've just dropped it into a free DA/PA checker.
What we've found out here is very interesting, hey? So we've got a page authority of 24. And if we, let's just drop it back to the Home page, and that's 33. Okay, so that is that is a bit of an anomaly why it's doing that. I'll have to have a look at that. What we, we probably, it's probably a bit of what's called keyword cannibalization happening. And what we might have to do, 'cause we don't really want this see if we go this term, Brisbane, we do want to rank well for this as well, but it's not actually ranking that well.
It's ranking well number four. Yeah, number four for the Brisbane term, and number three for the head term. So it's quite strange. Again, another sort of one of those things with SEO, not always easy to explain what's going on. And I don't really want that, I don't really want it indexing that page for this search term.
So we'll have to see with the newly optimised homepage whether that will replace this in the course of time. It was only re indexed a few days ago. So let's keep an eye on it. There we go. It's interesting the homepage is down here at number Eight or so. So quite interesting what Google's doing at the moment, but bearing in mind also that it's only just right on the tail end of a major core update.
So things are bouncing around all over the place. There we go. I think that's enough. Hope it's been useful. If you enjoyed this video, please click on the like button and subscribe for more episodes of the diary of an SEO. We'll chat to you then.
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