How to Use a Job Offer Decision Making Calculator
WASABIT - Talent Acquisition as a Service
WASABIT provides a flexible and cost-effective remote recruiter or talent acquisition as a service
Are you choosing between multiple job offers?
Here are 3 key tips to help you make a solid decision:
1) Remain objective and try and remove emotion from the decision making process. Don't decide based on who spoke to you last (this goes for the company directly or the recruiter)
2) Use a decision making chart - a data driven approach of ranking all of your key priorities in the job change, e.g. salary, work style, boss, team, product or JD and set weightings on each of them. Then rank and calculate them with an overall score which should tell you which company fits the best.
3) Take your time, this is a big decision - there are a lot of aggressive "tactics" where recruiters and companies can use time deadlines and ultimatums but try not to make reactive decisions.