How to use jenn air induction cooktop
Not all cookware operates on an induction cooktop, so the generator below it requires the pot or pan it generates to heat up entirely. To make sure cookware will be able to work on an induction cooktop, make use of the magnet to test for compatibility; if the magnet adheres to the bottom of the pot or pan, you'll get a green sign.
How to Use an jenn air Induction Cooktop
closeup of hand adjusting heat controls on induction cooktop
1. Make sure that you turn the induction cooktop on. Each model's directions will vary slightly, such as pushing a button or turning a knob, so examine your owner's manual.
2. Place your induction-compatible cookware on the element you want to use. The cooktop ring will sense the iron content in your cookware and begin to heat it up right away.
3. Make timed corrections to your cooking as needed. Induction cooktops are more convenient than their electric and gas counterparts, meaning your meals will cook a lot faster. Therefore, pay close attention to the stove area as you get used to this quicker method.
4. Have an extra measure that ensures that your cooktop will not operate unless you turn it off. Induction cooktops typically have sensors that stop functioning after a timer expires or after a certain number of minutes enough time for cooking as long as you do not have cookware or touch the burner.
Otherwise, hold down the power button to shut off your appliance.