How to use Instagram Stories to Generate Leads for your Business.

How to use Instagram Stories to Generate Leads for your Business.

THE INSTAGRAM algorithm is fickle. It has changed again recently. The number one complaint from users is that their overall engagement is down. Brands using Instagram as a marketing platform have seen their likes/comments decrease.

There are a couple of reasons this is occurring.

First, the platform is saturated. With over a billion active users and more are joining, there's a great deal of content being produced daily. It is the fastest growing social media platform right now. In short, we are competing for attention.

Secondly, people's attention spans are short and getting shorter. Every day we are inundated with information. Users are spending less time going through the feed itself and choosing to spend more time on Instagram stories. It's quick, easy to digest, and only up for 24 hours. This creates a can sense of urgency. We want to see the content before it's gone.

As a business, investing time and developing a strategy to use Instagram stories can help expand your brand's reach, generate interest, and provide leads.

Since more users are spending time viewing stories, it makes sense to create more content here. We want to spend our efforts in areas where our ideal audience is hanging out. Instagram stories are positioned at the top of your account prominently displayed and offering an opportunity for your brand to be highly visible.

It is the easiest (and fastest) way to connect with your audience, build your tribe and even sell high-ticket programs, and products.

Use Instagram Stories to Drive traffic to a URL or IGTV.

(TIp: Video typically generates higher engagement)

Here’s the #1 reason .....(continue reading and download FREE guide)


