How to use high pressure foam cannon ?
Lilian Huang
Sales manager - international wholesale for garden sprayers & car care products - Weirran
Hey guys, I'm going to show you how to use your foam cannon.
Before buying a foam cannon, you should make sure you have an electric pressure washer or air pressure washer that will be attached to the foam cannon during use.
For the Weirran Snow Foam Cannon, it only takes about 800 PSI to get the same thick foam.
It attaches to standard 1/4" fittings and creates a thick lather that lubricates the surface to prevent scratches during washing.
Now that you've selected your pressure washer and foam cannon, let's move on to soap.
First, unscrew the jar and add about an ounce of soap, then fill the rest of the bottle with water, then attach it to a pressure washer and start the lathering process.
Let's attach the foam cannon to the wand.
Just pull the sleeve back and it slides directly onto the foam cannon that holds it in place.
Rinse the car first, which will deal with heavier loose dirt and debris before starting the wash to prevent scratches. Work from top to bottom to prevent dust from entering areas that have already been cleaned.
On the nozzle, we have the fan adjustment, and by keeping this adjustment fully open, this creates a thick flow of foam. Closing it tighter adjusts the fan for a more vertical spray to cover more surface area.
Also, at the very top you can see a soap control knob, loosen it?is pure water, all the way to the right is thick lather.
We'll turn on the pressure washer, and in the same way we did the flush, we'll work straight from the top of the vehicle to cover the entire car with thick foam.we'll give it a little time to emulsify anything.That was the surface before we scrubbed stubborn stains.
As final step, we'll show you how to maintain your foam cannon.
This is a big deal because a lot of times people put the foam cannon away when it's full of water or full of soap, and over time builds up calcium deposits that prevent the cannon from working its optimal pressure or producing the correct amount of bubbles.We're going to throw out the rest of the soap. Let's clean it up so we don't build up any soap or calcium in the container.