How to use email and content marketing for an effective B2B marketing strategy
Content marketing is a vital need for any B2B industry, it ensures the sustainability of the business. To write the best?content marketing strategy , you have to determine your target audience. If you enhance your content strategy, your visitors will have valuable content worth to be read. The goal of content marketing is to?grab the attention of your customers .
After getting your customers’ attention, you need to build a relationship to encourage them to come back. Don’t forget the power of email marketing campaigns, which helps to lead generation.
“73% of companies that spend from 10% to 70% of their total marketing budget on content marketing were very successful.” According to?semrush .
Why does effective content marketing support email marketing?
Email marketing ?promotes a marketing strategy with high ROI.
However, there are other ways of marketing that give high results such as social marketing platforms, but email marketing still achieves high results.
Because the number of email users exceeded around the world, so creating a powerful email marketing campaign will support your marketing strategy.
“The latest reported number of email users in 2022 is close to 4.26 billion. For the next three years, the predicted user growth rate is 3%, or around 100 million more each year. So, in 2025, the number of email users worldwide should be approximately 4.6 billion.”
According to?Statista
Email marketing builds direct communication with your new subscribers, telling them about the new products or services you offer.
So, content marketing promotes your email marketing campaign.
How marketers do use email for B2B content marketing?
The majority of marketers know well that content marketing and email marketing campaign works together to achieve the same goals.?The creation here is to find different kinds of messages for?B2B content marketing ?without a bored feeling from the customer.
So, don’t focus on sending all emails on promotions or sales only, make a variety to encourage your customer to subscribe.
During?the buyer’s journey , send new values to your customer, educate him, and let him feel entertained by your content, he will think to purchase one of your products.
Here are the steps to get the successful B2B content marketing and email marketing:
1- The effective distribution of the content:
There are some ways to lead generation such as social media, SEO, paid ads, etc.
But in the email marketing campaign you control who will receive it and when.
Through?customer segmentation , you could select the categories of customers who will receive your emails. Those will receive your promotion, and your content marketing because they are interested to buy and subscribe.?
2- Add links to email newsletters:
After choosing the content marketing for your email, now you have to include the links of pages on your website, this will help for?lead generation . You could also add?CTA (call-to-action) ?to empower your content marketing strategy.
The language must be correct and simple to be understood.
Don’t send the content marketing with no vein, remember the reader needs more valuable information which guides him to take an action.
Make a connection between the content in your email and the pages you link to, make the links easy to identify and the content is clear.
3- Create personas:
Persona is the core of your target audience.
As we discussed before, dividing your target audiences into categories will help you to identify email content for each category. You can segment your target audiences based on the title, company, salary, hobbies, age, gender, and more.
This way will ensure sending the suitable content to the right persons.
4- Engage your customer in an email campaign:
Don’t depend on you already have some readers for your email, if you continue sending the same content without adding more valuable content, your customer may unsubscribe or logging off.
Make a variety in your content, send more promotions, then the result will be wonderful.
Try to provide solutions for customer problems.
This will increase the number of clicks, shares, replies, and encourage them to participate.
Moreover, the customer will trust your products, increase lobately.
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