How to Use Docker Images, Containers, and Dockerfiles (Infographic)

How to Use Docker Images, Containers, and Dockerfiles (Infographic)

And what the difference is between them

Docker?can be confusing when you’re getting started. Even after you watch a few tutorials, its terminology can still be unclear. This article is intended for people who have installed Docker and played around a bit, but could use some clarification. We’re going to make all three core pieces of Docker and give some helpful other commands. It’s going to cover a lot,?be sure to click the links.

The overview

We’re going to step through every piece of this graphic, but it’s helpful to see the three main stages upfront as a roadmap. In short,?Dockerfiles?are used to?build?images. Images are used to?create?containers. You then have to?start?and?attach?to the?containers. The?run?command allows you to combine the?create,?start,?and?attach?commands all at once.

Scroll to the end for a cheatsheet of every command we’ll use.

Our example server

In order for our project to do something, we’re going to make a?server.js?file that sends a simple text response.?This is the only Node code in the tutorial.?You do not need to know Node.

const http = require("http");

const app = (req, res) => {
  res.end("Hello there.", "utf-8");

console.log("server started");        

What are Dockerfiles?

A Dockerfile is simply a text file with instructions that Docker will interpret to make an image.?It is relatively short most of the time and primarily consists of individual lines that build on one another. It is expected to be called?Dockerfile?(case sensitive) and does not have a file extension. Here is a simple example:

FROM node:latest
COPY server.js server.js
CMD ["node", "server.js"]        

This isn’t a tutorial on?how to write Dockerfiles, but let’s talk about this for a second. What our Dockerfile is doing is pulling down the Node image?called node:latest?FROM?DockerHub?(or your machine) so we can build our custom image on top of it. DockerHub is an online repository of images; kind of like NPM or Pip.?Then we’re?COPYing our?server.js?into the environment so our eventual container will have access to it.?The last thing in a Dockerfile is usually a?CMD?(command) for the container to run once it’s made. In our case it’s going to start our?server.js.

NOTE: It is crucial that each piece the?CMD?array is surrounded by?double quotes or else it won’t work properly.

Building our image

The way to build an image from a Dockerfile is to run?build?on the command line. The following command assumes we’re in the same directory as our?server.js?and?Dockerfile:

docker build -t my-node-img .        

The?.?tells Docker to build from the?Dockerfile?in the current directory. As a bonus, we gave our image a tag of?my-node-img. This will help us specify which image we are using without having to use an id. Here’s a?guide on image tags. You should know?that you can use image and container IDs instead of tags and names, but words are easier to remember. Building can take a minute, but once done, we will have our image! See it by running:

docker image ls my-node-img

# to see all images on your machine
docker image ls        

What is a Docker image?

If a?Dockerfile is a set of instructions used to create an image, it’s helpful to think that?an image is just a template used to create a container. An?image is responsible for setting up the application and environment that will exist inside the container.?The important thing to understand is that?images are read-only. You do not make edits to an image, you make edits to the Dockerfile and then build a?new?image.

One of the features that makes Docker so powerful is that images can be layered. In every Dockerfile, you’ll be pulling down a base image to start from. And those base images are probably built from others, it’s images all the way down. This layering effect helps with things like?caching?for CI/CD purposes. But anyway, images aren’t good for much besides creating containers, so let’s do that!

Create a Container

Finally, we’re getting to the good stuff. This is technically all you need to do to?create a container:

# don't type this yet
docker create my-node-img         

However,?for our server example, that’s kind of useless. We’ll need to add some flags:

docker create --name my-app --init -p 3000:3000 my-node-img        

The?--name?lets us assign our own name.?Docker will autogenerate a name for the container if we don’t, but they’re long and?terrible. The?--init?means we’re using the?Tini package?that comes built in with Docker. It handles?ctrl-C?and keeps us from getting stuck in our container.?Next up is?-p, which connects our host machine’s port 3000 to the Docker container’s port 3000. Without this, we wouldn’t be able to connect to our server. The last argument is the actual?image?tag that will create our container.

What is a container?

The container is what actually?runs?our app. Think of the container like an isolated Linux box. It’s essentially a?lighter weight virtual machine. The?point?of having a container is standardization. An application only has to care about the container it’s run in. No more, “But it works on my machine!” If an app runs in a container, it will work the same way?no matter where the container itself is hosted. This makes both local development and production deployments much,?much?easier.

Starting a container

All?create?did was?create?the container, it didn’t?start?it. You can still see that it?exists with?docker ps?and some extra filters:

docker ps -a --filter "name=my-app"        

But, if you go to localhost:3000, nothing happens. Our container still isn’t active,?it just…exists; its?status?is merely “created.”?start?it by running:

docker start my-app        

Now when you go to localhost:3000, it responds! Since our container is officially “running” we can also see it with a regular?docker ps, which by default only shows running containers.

Attaching to a container

How do we see our container’s outputs and logs? Well, there’s?technically?a command you?can?run, but hang on before typing it:

docker attach my-app        

Be warned: if you run?attach, your terminal is going to get stuck displaying the container logs. Worse, if you attach and then?ctrl-C?to get out, it will actually?stop?the container on exit. Or worse, it will just ignore the ctrl-C and trap your terminal. If that ever happens to you, you’ll have to open a new terminal and stop the container (more on that later). That’s why in your applications you should handle the SIGTERM or use the Tini package like we have in our example. A?better?way to see output is the Docker?logs?command:

docker logs -f my-app        

That will show you the logs as they print from your container.?ctrl-C?to get out of this with no interruptions to your container. If you just want the logs print out statically, omit the?-f?flag.

Exploring the container

If you want to go into the container to explore the file system, you’d want to run this:

docker exec -it my-app bash        

exec?executes?any command on a?running?container. If it’s going to be an interactive one, like opening a?bash?shell, you must?include the?-it?flags. Also, heads up that some containers may not have?bash?installed, so you might need to try?sh?or?ash?if it doesn’t work.

Shortcut with Run

As you remember with the infographic,?run?is a shortcut that takes care of?create,?start, and?attach?all at once:

docker run --name my-app -p 3000:3000 --init --rm my-node-img        

However, like we talked?about, attaching takes up the terminal, which is?probably?not what you want. Run the command with the?-d?flag?(detached mode) so the container goes in the background:

docker run -d --name my-app -p 3000:3000 --init --rm my-node-img        

All the options are still doing the same thing they were doing with?create, with the exception of the new?--rm?flag. This simply removes our container from our machine when we stop the container. That will allow you to run the same command without name space issues; it’s mainly for practicing.

Stop and remove containers

Of course, you will want to stop and remove old/stuck containers, and that’s luckily straightforward:

docker stop my-app
docker rm my-app        

To stop all running containers:

docker stop $(docker ps -q)        

The?subshell?is using the?-q?(quiet) flag to only return the container ids, which are then fed into the?stop?command.

Images from DockerHub and Run Commands

run?doesn’t actually need the image to be on the host machine. If Docker can’t find the specified image locally, it will try to find it on DockerHub. This is useful when paired with another feature of?run: it can execute a command on the newly created container. For example, you could spin up a Node image and then start it in bash instead of the default Node repl:

docker run -it node:12-slim bash        

The command to run just goes after the image tag. Remember, you only need the?-it?flags if the command is interactive. If you just wanted to see the Linux version for example, no flags are necessary:

$ docker run node:12-slim cat /etc/issue
>>> Debian GNU/Linux 9        

Next steps

We’ve had one container yes, but what about a second container? That’s another powerful feature of Docker: you can easily network containers together. But once you have 2 or more containers to manage, I wouldn’t recommended that you try to control them from the command line. No, what you’ll want to start using is a?container orchestration system, usually it’ll be Docker Compose for local development and Kubernetes for actual production. I recommend watching this video to pick up?the basics of Compose?and this?series to take a deeper dive with Kubernetes.

Happy coding everyone,


— — The Cheatsheet — —

# Build your image 
docker build -t my-node-img .

# Show specific image 
docker image ls my-node-img

# to see all images on your machine
docker image ls

# Create a container with the tiny package, a name, and port
docker create --init --name my-app -p 3000:3000 my-node-img

# Show newly created container
docker ps -a --filter "name=my-app"

# Start your container
docker start my-app

# Attach to container (not recommended) 
docker attach my-app

# See containers logs (recommended)
docker logs -f my-app

# access container's system 
docker exec -it my-app bash

# using the run shortcut 
docker run --name my-app -p 3000:3000 -d --init --rm my-node-img

# Stop a running container
docker stop my-app

# Remove a non-running container
docker rm my-app

# see all running containers 
docker ps

# stop all running containers
docker stop $(docker ps -q)

# Check version of linux for container
docker run node:latest cat /etc/issue        

Mike Cronin

Senior Engineer at HealthBridge

1 年

Also for the impatient, here's the infographic about images, containers and dockerfiles:

  • 该图片无替代文字
Loren Sklar

Classroom Instructor | Python Aficionado | Full Stack Engineer

1 年

Mike Cronin, great introduction to Docker. Thank you! If learning-by-doing is your jam, try


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