How to use the devil in SRI ?
In the last 12 years I have been often asked the question of moral, good and bad, somehow the idea of the devil, in SRI asset management. Should we exclude, stigmatize the sin activities, or befriend with the devil ?
As a staunch Kantian guy, I have always had trouble with moral and devil in business, even if it comes back through the window (after getting out by the door), as Habermas did with the perfomative discourse… When I observe the difficulties of the French President who presents himself as a staunch Habermassian, I am strengthened in my philosophical choice.
Let come back to the main point and to the devil. Yesterday I found a great use for the devil in SRI. Yesterday was my last day as the head of SRI of Malakoff Humanis, I put all my stuff in three cardboards : 1 for my personal archives, 1 for my lost illusions, 1 for my dreams. I did not know where to put these cardboards Then the devil was the most useful of my 12 years.
Thanks to the devil (cart) of the office, I was able to carry all of them to my car without breaking my back and with another devil (cart) at the university’s office, I was able to carry it to my university room, where I could store them on a shelf, at USPN (Université Sorbonne Paris Nord).
And, by the magic of human activity, these tired cardboards will be transformed into new materials for research and teaching, to train the next professionals of sustainable finance (#Master DEFIS), as you can see on this picture.
Thanks to all for your passion, your inspiration and your patience. See you very soon for future adventure.