How to use Cornell Rulings in Primary and Secondary Schools
Victor Stationery
Manufacturing eco-conscious quality paper products to assist people of all ages in improving learning & communication
Primary School
In a standard exercise book, it can sometimes be hard to find the space to help children see what they have done well. The dedicated sections of the Cornell ruling can give teachers and pupils that extra bit of room for clear, specific guidance on how the work can be improved and an area for pupils to act on the feedback.
We’ve worked with Primary School Teachers, to come up with an effective strategy for marking and providing feedback using Cornells:
Marking in the notes area: Use the wider right-hand column where students have done their work to provide specific feedback on areas that need improvement. Highlight or underline the relevant parts of the student's work and write your comments next to the corresponding sections.
Summarise feedback in the left-hand column: In the left-hand margin, summarize the feedback you provided in the right-hand column. This summary should highlight key points, identify patterns of mistakes or strengths, and provide an overall assessment.
Set goals in the bottom section: encourage students to use this space to reflect on their performance and set goals for improvement. Ask them to consider the feedback and identify specific actions they can take to enhance their skills or address any weaknesses. This helps students take ownership of their learning and fosters a growth mindset.
Secondary School
This is an excellent method for students in Secondary School who need to take meaningful notes that can be used for exam revision.
The notetaking area is where students write class notes - the main points, important details, and supporting examples, ideally using abbreviations, symbols, or bullet points to condense information to focus on key ideas.
The cues column is a wide margin on the left and is used to write down main topics, questions, or keywords related to the content being studied. It serves as a reference for reviewing and recalling information later.
The summary section at the bottom of the page can be used after note-taking to write a brief summary of the content covered to capture the main ideas and key concepts.
During review and study, students are able to cover the notes section and try to recall the information based on the cues. This self-quizzing will help to determine how much students really know, reinforce understanding and also help move information from short-term to long term-memory
Discover a change to traditional note-taking and feedback with Cornell ruling. Highlighting growth areas and capturing key insights on the right, while summarising and highlighting on the left, empowering Secondary School students on their own learning journey!
Upcoming Events
In the upcoming week, we'll be attending:
March 21 - Prima Growth Factor
Prima GROWTHFACTOR-e 24 is just around the corner, happening on March 21st! Join us for enriching discussions centred around RHINO and education, with Annie Conlan, Richard Smithers, and David Speed. We're eagerly looking forward to connecting with all of you at this event!
Prima Software UK & Ireland #PrimaGF24
Past Events
In the last two weeks, we have attended the following events:
March 1 - Save the Rhino International 30th Anniversary
Celebrating the 30th Anniversary of Save the Rhino International , we reflected on over a decade of dedicated collaboration, investing in conservation projects aimed at securing a future where rhinos could thrive. Attendees from around the world gathered to commemorate this milestone, sharing stories of successful initiatives and discussing strategies for continued progress. It was a great event, filled with camaraderie and a shared commitment to protecting these magnificent creatures.
March 4 - Stationers' Warrant - Livery Lunch
We attended the Stationers Warrant Livery Lunch as recipients of the Stationers Warrant award for our tinted paper products, alongside our Flexiback Journal Notebook. At the event, we had the honour of being the only ones to receive awards for two products. It was an excellent opportunity for us to showcase our products, connect with fellow awardees, and cultivate networking opportunities, all aimed at fostering collaboration and innovation. The event was a memorable occasion, filled with excitement and recognition for our dedication to quality and innovation.
March 11 - 13 - #EuropeanOfficeProductAwards2024
Our participation in the OPI Partnership offered an exceptional platform for deep engagement with influential partners and venturing into new territories. Our sincere appreciation goes to the organisers for holding such a great event. Nicola Phillips and Richard Smithers cherished their time at the event as proud finalists, where they connected with industry leaders and celebrated excellence. The event not only provided valuable insights into the latest trends but also sparked anticipation for future events.
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