How to Use Apple Reminders and Calendar Effectively for Productivity on Your Apple Devices; Tips for Maximizing New Integrations with IOS 18
Carey Heller, Psy.D.
Clinical Psychologist-Partner at Heller Psychology Group; Specializing in ADHD and Executive Functioning
The Reminders and calendar apps have been around for a very long time at this point. Some of you may rely on these regularly. Others perhaps have them on your devices, but have rarely or ever used them.
Reminders is a task list app where you can input things that you need to do. It can be simple items such as taking medicine, walking your dog, or more complex work tasks. The calendar app enables you to keep track of events, block out times to work on specific tasks, and potentially use it in other ways as well.
One of the challenges with planning is often taking tasks from a list, figuring out when to work on or complete them, and effectively tracking/remembering to do them during set times. This piece of planning is where a task list and a calendar connect.
Thankfully, with IOS 18, Apple has finally integrated the two apps, allowing you to see Reminders at specific times in the calendar app (and also on a side panel on iPads). While it should seem simple enough to do, this system only can work effectively if you plan out tasks appropriately along with calendar events. Otherwise, as you may have observed if you’ve tried the new integration, your calendar can look like a big miss that may not even be readable because of too many things overlapping.
Therefore, it is important to think about how you use each app separately first. Then, look at making sure they fit together well.
Apple Reminders App:
- Create different lists within the app: Create separate lists for different areas of your life, such as work, personal, etc. as a starting point if you don’t have that many tasks. You can expand upon this with categories such as daily reoccurring tasks (i.e., take medicine), one time tasks (i.e., sign child up for baseball), household tasks (i.e., do laundry, change furnace filter), and get creative beyond that. I recommend not having more than about ten items in a given list, because it makes it harder to see everything at once to plan and you are more likely to end up with duplicate tasks. Once you put a task in and set a specific due date and time, it shows up in a scheduled section so you can easily see tasks from all lists together.
- Use Subtasks: Break down larger tasks into subtasks to make them more manageable. This allows you to see all parts of the task together in the main list for planning purposes. Then, you can see the subtasks individually in the scheduled section when it is time to do the task.
- Add Due Dates and Times: This is crucial. Set specific due dates and times for tasks. You can also set reminders to alert you before the task is due. Ideally, all tasks should have a set due date and time when you plan to complete them. Pick specific times based on your schedule when you anticipate being available to do the task.
- Location-Based Reminders: Use location-based reminders to get alerts when you arrive at or leave a specific location, such as reminding you to take out the trash when you arrive home.
- Recurring Reminders: For tasks that repeat regularly, set up recurring reminders to remind you on a set schedule.
- Collaborate with Others: Share lists or even individual tasks with family, friends, or colleagues. You can assign tasks to specific people so everyone knows who is responsible for what items.
With using this app, it is essential to:
-???? Schedule tasks initially for times that you anticipate being available to do them. Use your calendar to see when you are free. Ideally, estimate the completion time to allow enough time in your schedule to do the task. It’s hard to be completely accurate, but take an educated guess.
-????????????? Reschedule tasks if you cannot get them done at the designated time.
-????????????? DO NOT leave tasks as overdue for an extended period of time. This tends to lead to ignoring overdue tasks/notifications.
Apple Calendar App:
- Color-Code Your Calendars: Using different colors for different calendars (e.g., work, personal, family) can help distinguish the type of event it is. You can also block out time in the calendar for types of tasks (i.e., admin, paying bills).
- Set Alerts and Notifications: Use alerts for events to ensure you receive timely notifications.
- Use the “Travel Time†Feature or block out extra time for this: For events that require travel, use the travel time feature to account for the time it takes to get to your destination or block out extra time as a separate event.
- Add Notes: Include notes and other relevant info for quick reference in the event itself.
- Avoid events overlapping in the calendar: If you have two different events in the calendar that overlap that are the same color code, if you actually have to be present for both, it would be a problem. Ideally, don’t have events overlapping. If you have events on multiple calendars in the calendar app, you may get a side-by-side duplication of the same event. As long as you don’t have too much else also overlapping, usually this still looks pretty neat.
- Review Weekly and Monthly Views: Regularly review your calendar in weekly and monthly views to get a clear sense of upcoming events and hopefully catch any conflicts early.
- Enter calendar events from the day of the event: If you are viewing your calendar on the day of the intended event, you are likely to see if a conflict exists before you enter the event.
- Use family sharing: If you setup a family or other shared iCloud calendar, you get alerts when someone adds a new event. This helps you to be aware initially of the new event and hopefully catch a conflict with enough time to address it.
Using the Reminders and Calendar apps together
Most of the items above will help you to use the calendar and Reminders app together well. In addition, here are a couple of suggestions:
1)??? Space out Reminders app tasks enough that they hopefully don’t overlap on the calendar view so you can see all of them at once. If a task takes more than 5-10 minutes, you shouldn’t have two tasks scheduled at the same time anyway then.
2)??? You can zoom in on the calendar to make the time blocks bigger. This sometimes helps provide enough space to avoid tasks from overlapping.
3)??? Once a task is done and marked off, you can delete it if needed. This removes the completed task from showing up at all on the calendar.
4)??? To reiterate, schedule Reminders app tasks when you are likely to be free to complete them, which means other than having a time block in the calendar possibly for completing tasks, you shouldn’t have any other calendar events overlapping.
Planning and tracking tasks and events can take time to master. I hope that this article helps you to improve your planning and efficiency.
Dr. Carey Heller is a licensed psychologist and founding partner of Heller Psychology Group in Bethesda, Maryland (and via telehealth in 42 states). He specializes in the evaluation and treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), executive function issues, and related items such as anxiety. Dr. Heller helps people to get more organized, improve efficiency, and reduce stress and feeling overwhelmed.