How To Use AI Strategy for a New Product Launch

How To Use AI Strategy for a New Product Launch

Creating a market strategy is very hard.

I don’t say it's impossible, but it is a time-consuming task.

Save both time and effort by letting AI do it for your company.

Input: product, available budget, marketing goal, and target audience.

You get a clear 5-step plan for your launch.

I like the part where AI comes up with ROI expectations. Of course, it’s just an estimate but you can briefly understand the ROI in your efforts.

This is a great way to simplify your strategy.

Try It For Yourself

To test out the prompt for today, copy the text below:

Write out a marketing strategy for a new startup that is selling [product]. I have about a [available budget] marketing budget and need to reach [target audience].

Provide detailed examples of a comprehensive strategy, and the rough cost of each of the initiatives, must consider the marketing goals while creating the strategy.

In the end create a table having ROl expectation for spending.

Product: an Al writing tool
Available budget: two million dollars
Marketing goal: include increasing sales, improving brand awareness.
Target audience: top 10,000 copywriters around the world.        


