How to Use Advanced Techniques in BigQuery to Optimize Your Queries

How to Use Advanced Techniques in BigQuery to Optimize Your Queries

BigQuery is a data analytics tool from Google that allows users to perform complex queries on large datasets with ease. However, to fully leverage the potential of the tool, it's important to know some advanced techniques that can improve the performance and efficiency of your queries.

Some advanced techniques in BigQuery include:

User-Defined Functions (UDFs)

User-Defined Functions (UDFs) are functions that users can create to perform custom operations in BigQuery. They can be written in SQL or JavaScript, and allow users to perform complex calculations, transformations, and other custom logic on their data. UDFs can be used to simplify queries, improve performance, and provide more tailored analysis to specific business needs.

CREATE TEMP FUNCTION add_numbers(x INT64, y INT64
AS (
? x + y

SELECT add_numbers(10, 5);


This UDF takes two integer inputs and returns their sum. The CREATE TEMP FUNCTION statement defines the UDF, which can then be called in subsequent queries using its name. This allows users to write and reuse custom functions that may not be available out of the box in BigQuery.

Partitioned Tables

Partitioned tables are a powerful feature of BigQuery that allow users to divide large datasets into smaller, more manageable parts based on a specific column. This makes it easier and faster to query large datasets, as BigQuery only needs to read the relevant partitions for a given query.

Partitioning can also improve query performance by reducing the amount of data scanned during a query. For example, if a table is partitioned by date, a query that filters on a specific date range can be processed much faster, as BigQuery only needs to read the partitions that contain data within that range.

In addition, partitioning can help reduce storage costs by allowing users to store only the relevant data for a given analysis, rather than storing the entire dataset in one table.

Overall, partitioned tables provide a powerful way to improve the performance and efficiency of queries in BigQuery, while also reducing storage costs and enabling more granular analysis of large datasets.

Suppose we have a partitioned table sales with the following schema:

| Column name? | Type? ? 
| date? ? ? ? ?| DATE? ? |
| product_name | STRING? |
| sales_amount | INTEGER |


The date column is the partitioning column.

To query this table and filter by a specific date range, we can use the WHERE clause to specify the range we're interested in:

FROM sales
WHERE date BETWEEN '2022-01-01' AND '2022-01-31'

In this example, we're querying for all sales made in January 2022. Because the sales table is partitioned by date, BigQuery will only scan the partitions that contain data within this date range, making the query faster and more efficient.

Note that in order to take advantage of partition pruning, the WHERE clause must include the partitioning column and use a comparison operator that can be optimized for partition elimination, such as = or BETWEEN.

Clustered Tables

A clustered table in BigQuery is a table that has been physically reorganized to group related rows together based on the values in one or more columns. This can improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be read to satisfy a query.

When a table is clustered, the rows are organized into blocks based on the values in the clustering columns. The blocks are stored together in the same micro-partitions, and each micro-partition contains only one block. This can make it more likely that the data needed for a query will be stored together, which can reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned.

For example, suppose you have a large table of customer transactions with columns for customer_id, transaction_date, transaction_amount, and product_name. If you frequently query this table to look up transactions for a specific customer or product, you could cluster the table on either the customer_id or product_name column. This would group all of the rows with the same customer_id or product_name together in the same blocks, which could improve query performance.

To create a clustered table in BigQuery, you can specify one or more clustering columns when you create or load the table. You can also cluster an existing table by creating a new table with the same schema and clustering columns, and copying the data from the old table to the new table using a CREATE TABLE AS SELECT statement.

It's important to note that clustering is not a silver bullet for query performance, and it's not always necessary or beneficial. It's best to experiment with clustering and measure the performance improvements to determine whether it's worth the extra cost and complexity.

FROM my_clustered_table
WHERE category = 'electronics'
AND price > 500        

In this example, my_clustered_table is a table that has been clustered on the category column. The query is searching for all rows where the category is 'electronics' and the price is greater than 500. Because the table is clustered on category, the query engine can skip over any non-relevant clusters (e.g. clusters for category values like 'clothing' or 'household') and only read the relevant clusters for electronics. This can significantly reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned, leading to faster query performance.

Denormalization of Data

Denormalization of data is the process of combining multiple tables into a single table to improve query performance. In a normalized data model, data is stored across multiple tables, each containing a specific subset of information. This is done to reduce redundancy and improve data consistency. However, when querying data, it can be slow and resource-intensive to join these tables together to retrieve all the required information.

Denormalization involves combining these tables into a single table, usually by duplicating certain data across multiple records, to create a table that is optimized for queries. This can make queries faster and easier to write, as the required data is available in a single table, rather than having to perform complex joins across multiple tables.

For example, consider a normalized schema where you have a table for customers and a separate table for orders. Each order has a customer ID that links it to the corresponding customer record in the customers table. If you want to query for all orders placed by a specific customer, you would need to join the two tables on the customer ID, which can be slow for large datasets.

To denormalize this data using nested fields, you could instead have a single table with a nested "orders" field for each customer record. Each order would be stored as a nested field within the customer record. This allows you to query for all orders placed by a specific customer by simply filtering on the appropriate nested field, without the need for a join.

Here is an example of denormalizing customer and order data using nested fields in BigQuery:

-- Create a denormalized table with nested fields for customer and order dat
CREATE TABLE customer_orders_denormalized (
? customer_id INT64,
? customer_name STRING,
? orders ARRAY<STRUCT<order_id INT64, order_date DATE, order_total NUMERIC>>
) PARTITION BY customer_id;

-- Insert sample data into the denormalized table
INSERT INTO customer_orders_denormalized (customer_id, customer_name, orders)
VALUES (1, 'John Smith', [
? ? STRUCT(101, DATE('2022-03-01'), 100.00),
? ? STRUCT(102, DATE('2022-03-10'), 50.00),
? ? STRUCT(103, DATE('2022-03-15'), 75.00)
? ]),
? (2, 'Jane Doe', [
? ? STRUCT(201, DATE('2022-03-05'), 200.00),
? ? STRUCT(202, DATE('2022-03-12'), 150.00)
? ]);

-- Query for all orders placed by John Smith
FROM customer_orders_denormalized
WHERE customer_id = 1 AND EXISTS (
? SELECT 1 FROM UNNEST(orders) WHERE order_total > 80.00

In this example, the denormalized customer_orders_denormalized table has a nested orders field for each customer record. The sample data includes two customers with multiple orders each. The query retrieves all orders placed by John Smith with a total order amount greater than $80. The query only needs to scan the relevant customer record and filter on the nested orders field, without the need for a join with a separate orders table.

Bulk Data Insertion:

Bulk Data Insertion, also known as Bulk Loading, is the process of inserting large amounts of data into a database at once. In BigQuery, bulk data insertion can be performed using the following methods:

  1. Batch loading: This involves uploading a large number of files in parallel using the gsutil tool or the BigQuery API. This method is suitable for data that is not frequently updated, as it may take some time to complete the process.
  2. Streaming: This involves inserting data into BigQuery one row at a time using the BigQuery Streaming API. This method is suitable for data that is frequently updated, as it allows data to be inserted in real-time.

Bulk data insertion is particularly useful for large datasets, as it can significantly reduce the time and effort required to insert data into BigQuery. It also provides a way to efficiently load data from external sources into BigQuery for analysis.

Here's an example of using the BigQuery API to perform a batch upload of a CSV file:

bq load 
--source_format=CSV \
--autodetect \
mydataset.mytable \


In this example, the bq load command is used to load a CSV file located in a Google Cloud Storage bucket into a table named mytable in the mydataset dataset. The --autodetect flag is used to automatically detect the schema of the CSV file, while the --source_format=CSV flag indicates that the source file is in CSV format.

Overall, bulk data insertion is an important technique for efficiently loading large amounts of data into BigQuery for analysis.

Use of Indexes

BigQuery does not support traditional indexes like in relational databases. However, it provides a feature called "column-based sharding" that can improve query performance.

Column-based sharding involves dividing a table into smaller "shards" based on a specific column or set of columns. This can help reduce the amount of data that needs to be scanned during query execution, resulting in faster query response times.

To use column-based sharding, you can create a clustered table and specify one or more columns to use as the clustering key. When a table is clustered, BigQuery automatically sorts the data based on the specified key and stores it in columnar format. This can improve query performance by reducing the amount of data that needs to be scanned to fulfill a query.

It's important to note that column-based sharding is not a substitute for proper data modeling and partitioning. In some cases, it may not be necessary or even beneficial to use column-based sharding. It's important to consider the specific requirements of your use case and design your data model accordingly.


In conclusion, BigQuery offers several advanced techniques that can significantly improve the performance and efficiency of data analysis. By using User-Defined Functions (UDFs), Partitioned Tables, Clustered Tables, Denormalization, Bulk Data Insertion, and Indexes, users can easily manage and analyze large datasets in a cost-effective manner. Moreover, the integration of BigQuery with other Google tools such as Google Data Studio and Google Sheets allows for seamless data visualization and analysis. With these techniques, users can obtain faster and more accurate insights from their data, allowing for better decision-making and business outcomes.


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