How to use 2/3 less application in onions | Demo invite | CHD Leap Edition
Spraying variable rates

How to use 2/3 less application in onions | Demo invite | CHD Leap Edition

This issue:

  • You are invited to the field demo on 22 march, Giethoorn NL
  • How to use 2/3 less application in onions
  • Launch of the CHD Leap Edition

Field demo invitation

A field demo where you can experience Farming On Plant Level. See and test yourself the perfect distribution from 1 - 10km/h works, and cornering and more.

When: Wednesday 22 March, Jan van Nassauweg 10 in Giethoorn, NL

14:00 Walk-in coffee & tea

14:15 Word of welcome

14:30 Let's go to the demo field

  • Demo blanket spray (perfect distribution)
  • Demo spraying at plant level
  • Test it yourself with water-sensitive paper
  • Ride along and get more info

15:45 Wrap up (finish)

Sign up here / Meld je hier aan:

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Weed targeting in onions

About 2/3 less liquid is needed.

The onions of BBLeap user LePoutre in New Zealand are getting better chances to grow. In this case, we show an example of a spray application that enables him to use almost 2/3 less.

The field of onions is 16 hectares.

  • Image/data collection with a drone flight
  • Task map at 25cm x 25cm cell
  • Weeds are sprayed at 50cm x 50cm cells (nozzle distance)
  • The total surface to spray was 6,5 out of 16ha.

9,5ha of onions remained untouched and happily continued to grow!

The use of 25cm x 25cm cells for the initial task map enables LePoutre to spray more precisely than with working with maps of 50cm x 50cm. Also, when he sprays at 50cm x 50cm.

The enormous data load that needs to process is exactly what our system is good at. Getting high-resolution data smoothly to and from your sprayer.

Identifying the weeds and the ability to spray at plant level and work with high-resolution task maps results in using almost 2/3 less application liquids!

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Weeds in the field of onions
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Map of the identified weeds

CHD and BBLeap launch the CHD Leap Edition

A CHD sprayer with unique variable spray technology and central control of BBLeap. Due to the close collaboration, everything is fully integrated. The field sprayer will be assembled at CHD and delivered to the customer directly from the CHD factory.

The first sprayers are ordered and will go to Denmark and Sweden.

What's different? Fully integrated spraying technology

That the LeapBox can be mounted on any sprayer is nothing new, but a Leap Edition is. This is a sprayer where the BBLeap spraying technology is fully integrated.

The central control of the CHD sprayer is now driven by BBLeap. Practically the system controls the

  • Folding in and out
  • Filling and rinsing program
  • Find everything on 1 screen
  • The boom height control with variable geometry control
  • Control of the cranes
  • Pressure control
  • Tank level measurement
  • Tank display
  • Axle control
  • Control of lighting and more

Because of the central control from BBLeap, a sprayer computer is no longer needed.

For operation, in addition to the virtual terminal, a control box has also been developed. Ease of operation was at the center of the development and this has been reflected in the design.

CHD enthusiasts are in for a treat. The brand suddenly offers the most modern spray quality on the market.

For more information, contact your CHD sales representative or dealer.

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CHD Leap Edition

In the next issue:

  • The smooth experience of sending high-resolution data to your sprayer.



