How to upload your audiobook video trailer to Facebook
Dave Stokes
Audiobook and Podcast Producer author2audio, Audiobook Recording, Production, Publication, Promotion, Creation, Sound Engineer ???
LinkedIn may appear to be a weird place to post about a Facebook process, but try creating a post in Facebook that allows you to insert images in an appropriate order (can't really be done...).
My friend and author Taryn Claire Le Nu has written of her experiences as a breast cancer 'thriver and survivor' in her book: 'To Cancer with Love'.
When publishing her audiobook (of the same name), we also produced a video trailer to give potential customers an insight into her journey.
With Breast Cancer Awareness Week starting tomorrow, we felt it would be timely to engage again in conversations around a condition affecting almost 20,000 Australian women (and men) each year.
Following is my email correspondence to Taryn, explaining how to get the best presentation for your video uploads when posting on Facebook (rather than a rather 'ugly' video download link ;>)...
Hey Taryn,
Here are the steps (using the Google Chrome browser on a Windows computer)...
1. Begin by clicking the following download link (or copy it to a new browser window):
2. The video should just start playing in a new browser, and you will notice the following displayed at the bottom of the screen:
3. Click the three vertical dots in the right of screen, then click 'Download'
Once the file starts downloading, it will display it's progress in the bottom left of your screen. See below:
After it has finished downloading, it will be in your 'Downloads' folder on your computer.
5. Navigate to your Facebook page to create a new post (see below)
6. Click 'Photo/Video', then click the following 'Upload photos/video' link:
and the following is displayed:
7. Select your 'Downloads' folder, then select the MP4 video on the right hand side you would like to upload, then click 'Open'
The following screen will be displayed:
8. Add a title for your video, describe what it about and add hash tags (see below), then click next:
The following screen is displayed:
9. Click 'Publish'. This will display the following message:
10. Reload your Facebook page, then scroll down to review your post (see below):
All done!
Fond regards,
P.S. Please show you support for this worthy cause and feel free to download and share Taryn's video trailer :>)