How to update Sitecore License in Container App

How to update Sitecore License in Container App


Updating Sitecore license on Azure virtual machine, App Services and ASE are easy because we know that license location of each Sitecore role. But, if we have hosted Sitecore on container apps then we should have an idea how to update license on Container App. If license will be expired on Container then your all services will not come online, few of them will throw an error like below.


How to make sure that this is an license issue?

  1. If all containers are not coming online even though you have tried multiple times to initialize containers or start containers.
  2. Open the logs of Sitecore ID or Solr or CM or CD container, there you will notice that you are getting an error with license.xml.

How to update license?

If you are updating the license file at that location what was used during initialization of Sitecore instance, then still you will get above mentioned error. Because, initialization process copy license to different location and Docker deployment process picks license form here.

So, we need to paste license under docker/license folder and need to execute the initialization script once again so that license could be updated in each container apps.



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