If you’re any sort of a regular functioning human being, chances are you’re spending the majority of your day plugged into some form of technology.

The fact of the matter is that these days we’re pretty obsessed, whether we’re buried in our phones or laptops, walking around with our wireless earphones, or checking our smartwatches.

This isn’t necessarily a bad thing.

Technology is definitely not the bad guy. It has helped lift the burden of otherwise time-consuming tasks. It helps us to feel more informed than ever - latest lockdown updates anyone…? It has also made us feel so much better connected to friends and family all over the world “Nana, you’re on mute!”,

It’s important though when our days are constantly spent switched on for work, news updates, shopping, entertainment, directions, not to mention the hold social media now seems to have over many of us, to realise that it’s having more of an effect than maybe we’re aware of.

I recently read an article by Joshua Becker which shed a light on some pretty confronting statistics:

Not to mention how incredibly confronting this video is which has had over 53 million views since being published on YouTube. And yet, we wonder why we can’t “switch off”? 

Chances are you don’t need statistics to tell you that we are addicted to our technology. But I’m here to remind you in case you need it - that yes, tech addiction is powerful, but it does have a power-off button. We just need to get a little more discerning about how and when we use it. 

Maybe you’re now thinking “I really wish I had some strategies to unplug from technology” or “I need healthy time away from social media and the internet.” Well if that’s you, you’re in luck...


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Plugging in affects your mindset & overall happiness

The internet can inspire you, connect you and empower you, But it can also play havoc on your mindset if not used wisely. 

Researchers show that one in three people feel worse after visiting social media and more dissatisfied with their lives. From family happiness to body image the opportunity for jealousy and envy can run rife when on social media. We tend to only see the showreel of people’s lives, not what’s going on behind the squares - yet feel like we know others better than ever when we’re only getting a snippet of the full picture.  Unplugging can help put an end to the comparison game and FOMO (fear of missing out). It’s so much easier to feel happier with your lot when you’re not being bombarded with everyone else’s perfect lives.   

Unplugging gives us an opportunity to reset and refocus our own appreciation and gain a little more perspective.

Plugging in affects your concentration & focus

We’ve all been at the receiving end of a distracted conversation or missed out on something important because we’ve been too busy multitasking and it’s affecting our relationships and how productive we are. 

Our technology addiction is keeping us more distracted than ever and is at major risk of reducing our productivity. We think by multitasking we’re doing more - but it’s actually a myth! Celebrate the idea of becoming a single tasker and focus in on those important conversations - give your brain a break, you’ll get more done and feel better when you do.

Staying plugged in affects your ability to switch off and rest

How bloody distracting are those constant notifications, vibrations, flashing screens, and pings, constantly screaming for our attention and telling us we must do this NOW!

Thinking about our phones specifically, the “blue light” emitted sends a signal to our brain that messes with our melatonin levels, in turn making it more difficult to fall asleep. What’s more, the simple addiction of the endless scroll is a huge time sucker, and it often keeps us up much later than intended. 30 minutes past bedtime and you’re still on the couch? Yep, me too...

How do you feel when you have several missed notifications waiting for you on your lock screen? I don’t know about you but my anxiety kicks into overdrive. By switching these off - we also reduce our stress response in the body and find it easier to actually relax, rest and restore.

Plugging out Saves Money

The less dependent we can become on our tech, the less we use it - think of your mobile data and electricity bills! We’re also less likely to get caught impulse buying on that ad that will just not leave us alone.  

Unplugging Strengthens our Relationships

No matter how much I interact with others virtually, there is something so unique and amazing about being with others face-to-face. The experience of looking at someone without the filter of a screen changes everything.

Less time spent on technology encourages you to dedicate more time to you know, all of those special people in your life and spend time with them in real life. Or gives you more time to forge new and exciting connections too, which is a whole lot more fulfilling when done right.

By unplugging and dedicating more time to the important people in your life, you’re on your way to boosting happiness. Because remember, relationships are one of the leading contributors to a healthy, happy life.

Have I convinced you yet?

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BUT HOW, I hear you say. Well, read on.


In today’s always-on world, disconnecting can be hard, but not impossible once we feel empowered to do so. Awareness is key, because as I always say - with awareness we gain choice. Below you’ll find my four favourite tips for hitting pause to help you unplug and strike some much needed technology balance.

1. Address your Obstacles & Mindset

Choosing to unplug can feel hard, particularly when we’re so conditioned to be switched on. To overcome some of the obstacles you may face it could be helpful to address some of the things that may be standing in your way - what are you afraid of missing out on? Do you feel like you’re going to offend people? Notice when these fears creep up and ask yourself are they true or if they’re a story you’ve made up - when you realise it’s maybe the latter, you can begin to let them go.

Be intentional and keep coming back to your “why” for unplugging in the first place, and if you’re not sure - the ones i’ve mentioned above are a great start. Remembering that you’re just trying to change your relationship to technology not remove it from your life completely.

2. Set Boundaries

The information and people you surround yourself with impact your mindset, online are no different. Get clear on what you want this to look like - keep the ones that nourish you and unfollow or mute anything that’s not. It’s also important to know what your triggers are online and stop yours;f before you seek them out - including specific people or public figures. 

Delete your work email access from your phone so you’re not tempted, and when you’ve finished your work for the day, leave your work for the day. If you’re working from home maybe go for a walk around the block as your walk “from work” to mentally and physically remove yourself. You could even put up an auto-reply that says, “Thank you for your email. I’m away from my desk, and I look forward to responding to your message upon my return.” By eliminating the temptation to check your emails and updates after work, you’re helping yourself unplug from technology and the job.

Create a specific time each day that you will completely unplug from all tech. Leave your phone in another room (maybe it’s time to invest in an old school alarm clock!), or put it on “do not disturb”, close your laptop, and turn off the television. Remember those things called books? This might differ from day to day, or you might have a strict 8:00 p.m. technology bedtime each night. Either approach is brilliant, what’s important though is that you actually stick to that time. 

Turn Off Your Notifications - It’s easy to tell yourself you’re going to unplug, but then get distracted by those constant vibrations or pings. To stop these distractions - simply turn them off, it’s a lot easier to do when you don’t have something constantly trying to grab your attention. There are also plenty of free apps to block certain social media websites or limit your time on apps to whatever you choose - most devices now also have this function or “bedtime mode” built-in. 

3. Create Your Very Own Unplug System

You often need to find ways to trick yourself and make it inconvenient to access apps and platforms to unplug - but it’s necessary to break the habit. Here are some ideas to get you started: 

  • Move social media apps to the last page on your phone screen
  • Delete social media apps from your phone on the weekend
  • Pick one day a week to go offline completely 
  • Set a time for social media posting and don’t veer away from it
  • Have someone else change your social media passwords until your chosen day
  • Log out of all social media on your computer
  • Actually turn your laptop, computer, tablet or phone fully off - using the off button
  • Put your phone and laptop or tablet in another room while you’re watching TV

Of course, one of the hardest things about unplugging is setting expectations with other people. In a polite way, let them know and communicate that now you’re taking Sunday as your offline day, that you hit “do not disturb” after 8pm or that you only check emails during work hours. It may seem strange at first but you will help avoid miscommunication and may just inspire them to follow suit and change the norm for the better.

4. Plug into What Matters Most to You

If you’re going to make all this effort to unplug it’s important not to only dwell on what you’re letting go of, but remember that you’re gaining more time and energy for things that really matter. Think about all you can do with the time you gain - maybe choosing instead to plug into your health, nature, relationships, hobbies, or self-care. 

The possibilities are endless - your mental and physical wellbeing will thank you for this time to recharge, that’s for sure. What do you want to plug into?

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So there you have it, my favourite tools and strategies to unplug from technology and why we can all benefit from a little more time away from our devices. I hope this post has encouraged you to make unplugging part of your regular life. The way you use technology is ultimately going to determine your relationship with it. Most importantly, think about what you want to plug into so you have a reason to stay accountable.

Do you unplug from technology often? What are your favourite strategies? Do you face any challenges when you unplug from technology? Let me know below! If you enjoyed this post - please share it with a friend.

Looking for your very own real-life opportunity to unplug?

Check out my upcoming retreats below.


