How to Unleash Your Story, Power and Expertise Like Never Before
Have you ever seen something unleashed?
Our golden retriever, Wally, loves the yard, but there’s a fence.
The dog park, of course, is another story.
I take the leash off, and Wally bolts like a speeding bullet. It’s his time to run without a leash—with Bruce, Daisy and the other dogs.
They chase around the trees and run circles for hours on end! ??
I get exhausted just watching; their energy is incredible!
When Wally’s at the dog park without his leash, he embodies ultimate joy.
Because he’s outside where he was meant to be, untethered and running free in the fullness of simply being a dog.
He’s completely in the moment. I take the leash off, and Wally knows the window of opportunity is open for him to take off and be his natural self!
Untethered, energetic and roaming freely in his happy place.
It’s exciting –and it’s right now…in the moment.
This is Wally’s story, but it’s yours, too.
The window of opportunity is open right now for YOU to share your own story, energy and enthusiasm with people who need your expertise.
??Your gifts.??
It’s like this: You spend a lot of time shopping for an ideal gift for someone special. It’s beautifully wrapped and ready to go…but you leave it in the closet and never give it to that favorite person.
If you have the gift—and we ALL do—you’ve got to share it.
You’re not doing the world any good by keeping your story (your gift), skills and accomplishments to yourself.
??Here’s a newsflash:
Your story and talents aren’t solely for your personal enjoyment. They play a critical role in how you show up in the world and serve others.
Deep down in my core, I know each of us is here to expand and contribute to the well-being of others.
Think of your story as the gift that you bring to the world. ??
Look, our paths have crossed online or in-person for a reason.
You have the ?power?to unleash and share your story so people know who you are and what you do. Then they decide if there’s a connection and if they should hire you.
And the universe expands.
That’s why my storytelling class is SO dang important.
That’s why so many peeps like you who have taken the Story Magnets class tell me they’re “blown away” with the results.
Yes, you get the formula and process to introduce yourself in a personal way that embodies YOU.
But there’s something deeper and incredibly more important.
??It’s the unleashing of your confidence and the deep knowing that you are worthy of sharing your story that changes people’s lives. ??
So…what do your ideal clients want from you that you’re not providing?
They simply want to hear your story. ??
They don’t want to be sold. They want to buy from a person whose story they…
· Know
· Like and Trust
· Respect
You are that person.
Just tell your story.
The window of opportunity is open right now.
The new Story Magnets class starts Jan. 4th and there are three seats left. Save your spot now.