How unfuckable with are you?

How unfuckable with are you?

How fuckable with are you? A bit of a controversial one here! I have a module in my Academy called UnfuckAbility – it means you’ve got the ability to be unfuckable with. Yes, I have said the F word three or four times, oh my god!!

You have to have resilience?

The reason is, I’m trying to drive home a message to you. If you are in business, and if you’re reading this you probably are, or you’re thinking of being; you have to get resilience. This is what I mean really. If you have no resilience and you get trolled, or someone says they don’t like you, or someone doesn’t come to your thing, or pay for your thing, or leaves your thing, or doesn’t buy your thing, or compares your thing to someone else, or does something outside of you; if you don’t have that self-belief, that self-trust, that absolute inner knowing, it’ll mess with your head and it will stop you from moving forward.?

You need to unblock the blocks

I want you to think about a time now, when something happened that made you go?ohhh,?and stopped you in your tracks. Because that thing is probably still sitting whirring in the back of your brain and stopping you from moving forward. You are blocked, you are stuck, you are scared – you got stuck in that part and you can’t move forward.?

How would it be to get rid of that block, understand that block and not ever have a block again? To know how to handle those blocks, how to be resilient, how to understand, and how to respond and react in the right way for you.?Book a call with me …I’m happy to do that with you.


