How uncomfortable are you?
Damian Hoogendoorn
Public speaker about men's mental health. Experienced expert, changing lives. Author, founder and Christian.
Hey, quick update with a question:
How uncomfortable are you? What are you doing to challenge yourself? How's that working out for you?
I can tell you that I've been challenging myself more and more recently, overcoming fears and going strong. Running 10 kms for the first time ever, mud mastering 16 kms for KiKa & applying to become a marine...
It's almost as if I like the ''pain''. Physically and mentally it can be (often is) painful, but isn't that what allows you to grow?
Is it me, or do you need some pain in your life, somewhere where you can grow and challenge yourself to the deepest beliefs and break barriers you never knew existed?
If there's 1 thing that I learned, it's this:
Succes is never greater then the level of personal development. Are you not succesfull yet? Grow! Learn to earn.
Because as long as you keep doing that, challenging youself time again and again, you might just find yourself going places you never imagined possible.
If you'd have told me 4 years ago I'd be applying to become a marine, go bungeejumping soon, looking to skydive somewhere & educating others about autism, ADHD and mental challenges?
I'd have explained you to be a fool & guess what.
That's the whole point.
Once you look back a month or two & you honestly couldn't have imagined to be who you are today, then you're on the right track & there will be no limits.
Limits are impaired on the mind & the mind alone.
So how far are you willing to go?
Cause I'll double it! #STAYHARD #DAVIDGOGGINS