How To Unblock Your Chakras - Methods, and items to unblock the 7 chakras
How To Unblock Your Chakras - Methods, and items to unblock the 7 chakra

How To Unblock Your Chakras - Methods, and items to unblock the 7 chakras

Changing over time is the law of Nature. Even if you are not ready for that change, nature will change the need.

That is why we go from small to big and finally to the end of life!

But the ultimate soul of this energy is never destroyed. It just leaves the old body, and dies the new body!


“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another” -Albert Einstein

Just Breathing ??

Methods and items to unblock the chakra - How To Unblock Your Chakras.

Methods and items to unblock the 7 chakras

Root chakra


yoga (root poses). Take a shower.

meditate envision the color red. walk outdoors barefoot.

chant the sound uhhh…

Sacral chakra


yoga (sacral poses). eat oranges.

meditate, positive affirmations, drink more water.

chant the sound oooo…

Solar chakra

Am ber crystals,

yoga (solar plexus poses).

meditate chamomile tea. positive affirmations.

chant the sound oohhh…

Heart chakra

A (heart poses) meditate, great foods,

wear green color, affirmations,

chart the sound ahhh

Throat Chakra

Lapus Lazuli. yoga (neck poses).

meditate blueberries. affirmations.

chant the sound eyyyye

Third eye


yoga (headstands and inversions).

eye meditate dark chocolate. look at the stars

chant the sound ayyyyy

Crown chakra

clear quartz.

yoga (inversions).

mantras, affirmations, meditate. ginger. herbal teas.

chant the sound eeee

The basis of all this karma is a world power, the value of world power is based only on our thoughts. When we start thinking, the price of world power stops. It means that our thinking is the bond of world power.

When the price of world power stops, there is less power in the power tubes. This deficiency throws colorless microscopic ticks in the energy of our body.

These ticks slowly cause disease in our body, meaning lack of energy in our pranayama body is the reason of all diseases.

So let’s take a brief look at the beautiful glimpse of the history of this wonderful yoga.

It could become of fundamental importance, and be not merely a transient fashion of the present, if more and more people today would make a daily habit of devoting an hour, or at least a few minutes, to meditation. As a result of the meditative penetration and broadening of the natural-scientific world view, a new, deepened reality consciousness would have to evolve, which would increasingly become the property of all humankind. This could become the basis of a new religiosity, which would not be based on the belief in the dogmas of various religions, but rather on perception through the "spirit of truth." The transformation of the objective world view into a deepened and thereby religious reality consciousness can be accomplished gradually, by continuing practice of meditation. _Albert Hofmann

What is Meditation? – Quotes | Captions And Best Quotes On Meditation

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