How Turning $25,000 or less of Tax In to $100,000 a year After Tax Profit NOW Can Become YOUR Reality!

How Turning $25,000 or less of Tax In to $100,000 a year After Tax Profit NOW Can Become YOUR Reality!

Most people - even those running Corporations - did not pass any financial literacy tests at College. Even successful professionals and business people continue to throw away money every year while major corporations such as Boeing, Citibank, Apple, Verizon, Google, Amazon, and GE to name just a few have it down pat how to turn most if not all income tax in to assets. While the average small company and most employees carry the tax burden for the nation instead of looking to secure the financial position of themselves and their family. 


It is not difficult for anyone to convert tax dollars in to assets if they are serious about money. In fact it can be done for you if you are a busy person or simply too lazy. All it takes is a simple step to contact us and ask for assistance. However it might take a bit to understand how easy it really is; and you will need a business partner to help you - which is where we offer our services, on a guaranteed results only basis.

There are two main alternative approaches to turning tax in to assets. The first is high risk and certainly not for the faint hearted. It is not even financially efficient yet it is the way the majority of higher income earners proceed -  following irrational economic advice from their accountants. Which should be expected as most accountants are not trained economists.

The approach is to borrow money to invest and claim the interest expense as a tax deduction. However if you or your company are paying for example $40,000 in income tax each year you will need to borrow in excess of $2million for investment in order to negate all your tax on current income and that from the investments combined. Even though you might be able to pay zero tax this way how do you feel about borrowing such an enormous sum of money to put at risk in any market today with the prospect of losing several hundreds of thousands of dollars or a lot more - which can not be used to offset future income tax as those losses can only be applied against capital gains?

A more prudent alternative approach to convert your income taxes in to assets is to take say $25,000 of the money you are setting aside at present to pay tax and gear that two times. That is, borrow $50,000 to add to the $25,000 of tax and invest just $75,000 in to an investment which will enable you to claim the entire $75,000 investment as a legitimate tax deductible expense against your current income.

It can be even easier than outlined above as you can start more slowly if you begin with just a $25,000 investment and avoid borrowing the additional $50,000 completely. Your first round tax free profit of $50,000 can be used to fund the next two investments. In which case you will still have $75,000 of income tax deductions!

The preferred investment at this time is in to a business which is focused on Real Estate. Instead of adopting a buy hold strategy - which would require borrowing millions of dollars as outlined above - the business objective is to make money by acquiring and turning over properties very quickly; in under two years and preferably in a matter of a few months or more rapidly. Your $25,000 investment pays for operating expenses and management fees and so it is not a capital item. Thus it becomes a legitimate tax deductible expense. (Note there is no tax avoidance here as we actually end up paying your tax.)

The expected profit per property deal is close to $50,000 after tax for properties valued around $400,000. Which works out to be close to 12.5% of the Market Value per home but is a massive 100% return on your initial capital in just a few months!

However if you like doing numbers recognize that the $25,000 being tax deductible gives you back at 40 cents in the dollar $10,000 - so that your actual outlay is just $15,000. Compute the ROI of $50,000 profit on that.

Here is where it gets even more intriguing. Taking the $50,000 after tax profit to do two more deals the same the total profit emanating from your initial stake becomes a net $100,000. But, as you are entitled to claim the $50,000 second round investment as an income tax deduction - when added to the first $25,000 it gives you a total tax deduction of $75,000. That means you will have completely annihilated your $25,000 tax bill and end up pocketing $100,000 of after tax profits! The cost free nature of the investment produces an INFINITE ROI.

How would you like to be able to convert $25,000 of your tax in to $100,000? EVERY YEAR?

Now there are dreamers and there are doers. The doers make the money - It Costs Nothing to Make a Hundred Thousand Dollars After Tax Profit! (equivalent to $166,666 of additional before tax income each year) Start today and repeat every year!

The Dreamers will continue to sleep and throw away a large percentage of their income each year. But what they really lose is the money they could make - not just the extra $100,000 additional after tax money each year - but the larger capital sum it can grow to over time when invested for longer term wealth creation and financial security!

If you are a dreamer then dream of this: Say you could have $100,000 extra money this year (*which you can have for zero cost) and invest it in to a property that could  conservatively grow at 7% a year reinvested annually (combine the rental income of 4% plus capital appreciation at the long term inflation rate of 3% a year). It could double in value every 10 years. So that in 10 years it is $200,000, in 20 years $400,000 and in 30 years it will be $800,000. 

Look though at the fact that you could be getting an extra $100,000 (or more - depending on how much tax you are letting drain down the rat hole) every year indefinitely. 

What that means is you would have a series of trains loaded with money coming through to you each year. Pick any time in to the future to see how much each train could be loaded with - but if you want to keep it simple just look at year 30 as a good retirement station for you to start spending the $800,000  a year each train will be bringing to you. The alarming thing is the procession of trains can be infinite - even after your are in retirement, for an eternity. IMAGINE WHAT would you do with that amount of retirement income? 

A Nice DREAM? Can you program your dreams to see that and then move towards it in reality?

NOW WAKE UP! This Can Be YOUR Reality - It Costs You Nothing - and it gives you an *UNTOLD FORTUNE!!

*Untold until you actually Do It!

(Message me today to start being financially sensible and wealthier) Please provide your SKYPE Id and an indication of How Much Tax You are Squandering each year)

P.S. Associates are wanted: financially astute individuals and Real Estate Wholesalers who would like to share in the business of helping average people become financially secure. Please message me with an expression of interest, your SKYPE Id. and a summary of your background.


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