How to turn your written content into dynamic podcast?

How to turn your written content into dynamic podcast?

It is piece of cake!

Spoiler I heard about it when I listened my fav Podcast of Carlos Diaz, Silicone Carne but got as well one former partner who talked about it today.

So, I decided to give a try!

I pick my old video Youtube in French !

And I copied and pasted the url of my video and this is the result, that I got that, in less than 5 minutes!

You can listen here!*7tva4a*_ga*MTg5NzM1MzYxMC4xNzMwMTIyNTMw*_ga_W0LDH41ZCB*MTczMDEyOTQ3My4yLjEuMTczMDEyOTQ3OC4wLjAuMA ..

But NoteLM created some extra content answering some questions! That was not expected!

Here are some key steps on how to create and promote a LinkedIn event to maximize reach and engagement, based on the YouTube video transcript you provided:

  • Choose an engaging cover image to encourage your audience to attend the event. Canva is recommended as an easy-to-use tool for image creation.
  • Decide if your event will be in-person or online. This choice will influence the complexity of organizing the event. Consider your technical capabilities, available resources, and the time you can dedicate.
  • Write a compelling event description. This is crucial for attracting attendees. Consider what message you want to convey to highlight the event's value. Use ChatGPT to generate a description, including the date, time, program with a Q&A session, and information about the speaker and their expertise.
  • Share the event in relevant LinkedIn groups to increase visibility and engagement. Copy and paste the event link into the groups you are a part of, focusing on groups that align with your target audience.
  • Utilize other platforms like Eventbrite to expand your reach and attract more attendees. Creating an event on Eventbrite can also enhance your search engine optimization (SEO) strategy.
  • Avoid duplicate content by rewriting your event description for different platforms. Use ChatGPT to rephrase the text for various audiences and target keywords relevant to your industry and target audience.
  • When inviting people to your event, segment your audience by location and industry. Start by sending out a small batch of invitations to gauge the response before sending out more. This will prevent you from overwhelming your network.
  • Use a catchy title for your event to attract attention and highlight its value. Consider incorporating keywords relevant to your audience's search queries.

By following these steps, you can effectively create and promote your LinkedIn event to maximize reach and engagement.

And here we go!

I would like you to share your opinion about such tools and how you could leverage it for your content creation?


