How to turn an idea into a published book (case study)
?? Cynthia Morris, ?? CPCC
Writer's Coach for Leaders | Fulfill Your Lifelong Dream & Write Your World-Changing Book
When asked what I do, I reply, “ I help people write books.”
I’ve learned to super-simplify it because I can’t go around firehosing people with “I’m an author, artist, and coach who teaches people how to know, love, and trust their process. I also lead creativity retreats in Paris and teach workshops online.” I’m exhausted trying to list all the things I do!?
But ‘help people write books’ doesn’t tell the full story of how I help my clients bring their ideas into form and into the world. In this article, I’ll open the kimono to show what, specifically, my book coaching can look like. We’ll walk through some of the ways I coached Paula Preschlack to write, publish, and promote her book.?
I love coaching Paula Preschlack. She’s a skilled, seasoned writer who wrangled her professional ideas and insights into a book that will reach millions.
This year she was ready to find a publisher. This is not an easy feat. But Paula achieved the equivalent of getting an Olympic Gold Medal: she landed a book deal with an independent press.
Chicago Review Press signed on to publish Paula’s non-fiction book, The Montessori Potential: How to Foster Indepence, Respect, and Joy and in Every Child. And Paula signed an audiobook deal, too! Paula’s book comes out in February, 2023.?
I couldn’t be happier for her. I’m doing a victory lap for all her success; I know how hard she’s worked on this project. Here’s what brought us to this place.?
We’ve been working on her book for several years. I coached Paula through many drafts and life changes. We celebrated her new author life when she transitioned out of her career as head of school at a Montessori school into full-time writing and speaking. A coaching relationship with me is not just about getting things done. It’s much more than having someone you’re accountable to.?
Together we’ve worked through the following:?
How to organize the material in her book. This takes a lot of time and thought. Knowing what belongs in the book is one thing. Structuring the writing in a way that honors the material and the author’s style and voice is another piece.?
How to manage a busy life and stay focused on her book.? This is a perennial subject that needs regular focus. There is no ‘normal’ week. Life is dynamic, throwing random things into the mix regularly. Often, we think we’ll have the same writing routine every week. But Paula learned she needed to be flexible and an ardent opportunist if she didn’t want life to overtake her writing goals. Every author will have to renew their commitment again and again.?
Transitioning out of her former career and into her writing career.? This was a big life change. While she was ready for it, the change called for a lot of support. The emotional labor involved in a career shift is significant. I helped Paula process the feelings around all she was leaving and all she was moving toward.?
How to structure her time and energy as a writer and speaker. I helped Paula think about the bigger picture of her career as an author. Once we identified what she wanted that to look like, we focused on both practical matters and mindset shifts required to go from employee to self-employed.?
Developing systems for her new work life. ?It was fun to help Paula design her work systems according to her specific writing goals. Taking time to set things up in a way that would work for her, rather than just adopting processes willy-nilly, set Paula up for years to come.?
Writing pitch materials to get a publisher. ?This is a tough part of the author process. A writer has to shift from the person producing the writing to the person promoting the writing. Sales writing is a different animal. We spent a lot of time specifying the language she used that would convey the message of her book.?
Developing talking points around her book. Paula is a seasoned speaker but needed help narrowing down a few topics she could discuss with the media. My feedback on her ideas helped to crystallize the most compelling points.?
Navigating the ups and downs of pitching a book.? After the proposal and query letter are written, there’s the roller coaster ride of seeking the right agent and publisher. Then there’s the sending and waiting…and waiting. It’s emotionally challenging, and it helped Paula to have someone who understood the process.?
Celebrating a book deal with an independent publisher. This is the moment she’d been working toward for years. Of course her family and friends acknowledged this big moment. I helped Paula to really appreciate her efforts and everything she had done to bring her to this point.?
Strategizing her book launch.? Paula already has great contacts in the Montessori world. She’s a sought-after speaker and had several keynote speeches booked. I helped her strategize the pre-and post-launch tasks that would help her get the word out about her book.?
Helping Paula lean into her skills and gifts.? Paula is a natural connector. While any publishing pro will tell an author they need a platform or public presence, I invited Paula to focus elsewhere first. I believed her vast network could be engaged to help her promote the book. She’s using her natural gifts to reach out, stay connected, and meet new people who will be interested in her book. We worked on setting up systems to make staying in touch easier.?
Developing a social media strategy. Paula hadn’t spent much time on social media and didn’t know where to start. I encouraged her to sign up for a class that had helped me a lot. Now, she is active on several platforms and is doing a great job of bringing her message and personality into her posts. It turns out she’s a natural, and her dog Louis makes regular appearances to help people get a feel for Paula’s sense of humor and style.?
There’s much more, but that’s the bulk of how Paula and I worked together. On a recent coaching session, Paula acknowledged my coaching skills. She said, “Cynthia, you really have a unique combination of gifts. You understand the needs of the creative person, and your thinking is very organized. You manage to help me put order to all of my ideas. Most people have one skillset or the other. You’re both - creative and organized. I couldn’t have done all this without you.”
I love hearing that my work makes all the difference for a smart, experienced person like Paula. My 1:1 coaching has a much larger impact when a book like Paula’s makes its way into the world.?
The Montessori Potential allows Paula to expand her passion beyond the school she helped to lead and develop. This book seeks to help demystify what Montessori education is and why it’s so effective. Find out more about Paula’s work and order a copy of her book here.