How To Turn Every Negative Into A Positive
We're going to be talking about finding the positive in everything.
Negativity happens, it will always happen but to ignore that is actually the worst thing to do. Instead, look at reframing it. Everything that's happening to you will be positive or negative based on the label that you give it. Can you look at it and say, “What can I learn from this? How can I improve from it? How can I take this bad or negative thing and turn it into something that helps me grow and become better?”
You either have the viewpoint of everything is happening to me, which is a victim mindset or everything is happening for me, which is more of a Champion's mindset. We can't control those things but we can control how we show up. We can control how we respond to it and the energy that we bring to it. Maybe it didn't work out that time because that was what you were supposed to learn to be ready for what was next. And when you do grow and when you do take that feedback, that's positive.
As an example, let’s say you have an employee that quits and you didn't really need them to quit. You can look at it and go, “How did I not serve them at the highest level as them being an employee?” Then figure how to serve the next person that comes onto your team at a higher level.
It’s so easy to point the finger at somebody else. There are so many ways that we can blame someone or something other than ourselves, but we're also giving our power and our opportunity for growth away when we point the finger because now we're saying, “Hey, it's not up to me, it’s up to them”. And if we're in that perspective, the victim mindset of, not controlling our destiny, that’s not an empowering place to be.
So instead of ignoring it, use it as a mirror. Allow that to be the reflection that you need to just at and realize that it’s your opportunity to get better. If you’re in a victim mindset, then essentially you’re in a fixed mindset because you can’t do anything to change your circumstance.
How do you want to live your life?
If you can't control it and it’s just going to happen anyway then perhaps it’s time to change your perspective. Don't put your head in the sand, allow that awareness to spring in some sort of decision. Sometimes we're stubborn where we don't want to see it because of our ego. We don't want to feel that pain, but it's necessary for our growth.
These experiences are telling you what you need to work on and on the other side of that is even more abundance. So it comes down to figuring out what is positive in every single thing that happens. What can you do to make sure that a positive comes from this?
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