How to tune in to your followers' deeper needs

How to tune in to your followers' deeper needs

Many leaders spend downtime reflecting on their leadership – what worked this past year, what to change next year. For some, it’s fixing a stressful relationship with a boss or peer. For most, it’s how to do better with followers, whose trust isn’t easily gained.

Up until the last few decades, people in positions of authority were venerated simply because they were in those positions. The residual impact of ethical failures and incompetence has caused many to conclude leaders are to be distrusted until proven trustworthy.  And proving trustworthy is becoming increasingly difficult. One studysupports the origins of herculean expectations – only 40% of workers have high degrees of trust in their boss despite 82% indicating trust in the boss is essential to do their jobs well.

The inverse correlation between decreased trust and increased expectations leaves executives with the implied requirement of walking on water. Our ten-year longitudinal study suggests the unforgiving standards to which executives are now held can make ‘leading others’ one of the most undesirable aspects of leadership. More than half our respondents feel held accountable for problems outside their control, and 48% have felt regret about taking an executive role.

Our research revealed three unrealistic expectations of executives that, while rooted in reasonable desires, manifest no-win outcomes for followers and leaders.   Understanding what followers really want will equip leaders to set and exceed appropriate expectations.

"Justify Your Choices"

Executives who retain or relinquish too much control over decision making create chaos. Followers end up vying for decisions they feel they should make, pushing decisions they feel are too complex back up, or tearing their hair out because no one will make a decision. Unrealistic expectations for complete transparency makes executives defensive.  Basic questions like, “Why did you do it that way?” or “I need to understand so I can explain it to my people,” put executives back on their heels, scrambling to justify choices.

Leaders who fail to provide sufficient transparency into decision criteria are at risk for owning those decisions alone. Followers do not expect to be involved in every decision. It would be cruel to invite participation in decisions they are neither equipped nor experienced enough to make. 

Followers really want predictability. They want to decode a leader’s analytical process and moral compass when making tough calls . They want to predict how leaders will behave in a given situation. When they can’t, they assume the leader is hiding something. They question who may have curried favor, wonder what disaster is being privately contained, or fear what plot is being devised. Leaders must provide consistent approaches to decision making that sustains followers’ confidence, allowing them to reasonably forecast how leaders will show up at critical junctures.

"Be Clairvoyant"

Very little is more frustrating than a stewing follower who won’t say about what. The classic, “No, everything’s fine” to inquiries from concerned executives leads to walking on eggshells and nobody talking about why.  Such manipulative behavior is one form demand for clairvoyance takes. There may be a burst of surprised disappointment when a follower expresses displeasure over losing a plum assignment to a colleague who asked for it. “You should have known I wanted it – I’ve been here for five years for crying out loud” is another common form of clairvoyance, and was actually a statement made to my client. He was stunned by the insinuation he’d deliberately withheld opportunity. Turns out the complainant spent years in night school earning her Masters degree and was dying to use what she’d learned. She failed to let her aspirations be known, and the executive had insufficient knowledge of someone who now felt disregarded.

Followers really want to be seen and known.They don’t expect you to read minds. People’s experience at work is of being labeled and pigeonholed, not understood. Knowing those you lead, and letting them know you, allows for a relationship that brings out your respective best contributions. Followers feel free to express provocative ideas, volunteer for assignments, and trust they are seen for who they are, not judged or misperceived.  Leaders don’t have to read follower’s minds, but they do need to read them, gaining insights in how best to lead them.

"Motivate Me"

Inspired performance comes from a place where followers choose to exceedexpectations. While passion and engagement are common vernacular, less common is the impact they are intended to have in draining environments. Followers, bereft of purpose, expect self-worth validated by leaders. We tell people to take pride in their work and when they do, it should be reinforced. But those who bring unresolved emotional issues to work get labeled “needy” by leaders whose emotional intelligence runs out when trying to assuage them. The motivation a leader sought to infuse gets hijacked by a loud unquenchable minority. “Motivate” isn’t a verb, it’s a personal choice.

Followers really want a reason to hope. They need to hear the realism of what is, and the optimism of what could be.  Peterson and Byron point out that high-hope individualsare more goal-oriented and more motivated to achieve goals than those with low hope. They also found higher hope executives produced more and better quality solutions, suggesting that hopefulness may help employees when they encounter obstacles. Hope, then, is a choice to be motivated. Its true power lies in choosing it when presenting data suggests otherwise. Hope invites the leap of faith to get behind something without tangible evidence to back it up. Once followers feel reality-based hope, they are self-motivated to offer their greatest contributions.

The executive stage is fraught with endless risk. A foundation of sound principles that aren’t vulnerable to followers’ fickle expectations helps weather the harsh blows dealt by the discontented. Learn to satisfy real needs rather than impossible standards. You’ll find followers more satisfied than ever.

Originally published at Forbes.


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