How true is this qoute

How true is this qoute

Yesterday as I was watching the kids in the family play simon says and follow the leader I laughed because it was always one that did there own thing and of course i thought it was funny because i believe in independence, yet i believe in tat people can have a huge amount of influence on you. I been in many leadership roles and i would like to know what makes a good leader do you think woman should be president we have a vice president for a woman but will they ever let a woman actually run america.

How many of you have instilled in your employees team mate colleagues or students an actual goal to achieve or values to achieve.

This is the circle of leadership its different but in all the ways of leadership it add up into one

Here is my current list of books i am reading on leadership and how to become a better leader what are your books you are reading .

They say these are the best books to read on leadership have you read any of them any ideas about them anything that might interest you any thoughts of leadership just some ideas.



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