How To Travel And Explore The Universe Without Leaving Your Home: The Secret Trick Of Ganesha!

How To Travel And Explore The Universe Without Leaving Your Home: The Secret Trick Of Ganesha!

Ganesha was the son of Shiva and Parvati, two of the most powerful gods in Hinduism. He had an elephant head and a human body, and he was the lord of success, wisdom, and obstacles. He was also very fond of sweets and loved to travel and explore new places.

One day, Ganesha decided to go on a journey around the world with his mouse, who was his faithful companion and vehicle. He wanted to see the wonders of nature, the diversity of cultures, and the mysteries of the universe. He packed some modaks, his favorite sweet dumplings, and set off on his adventure.

He visited many countries and continents, marveling at the beauty and variety of life. He saw the snow-capped mountains of the Himalayas, where he met some yogis who taught him how to meditate and control his breath. He saw the vast deserts of Africa, where he met some nomads who taught him how to survive and navigate in harsh conditions. He saw the lush rainforests of South America, where he met some shamans who taught him how to use plants and animals for healing and magic. He saw the ancient pyramids of Egypt, where he met some pharaohs who taught him how to rule and build with wisdom and justice. He saw the majestic temples of Greece, where he met some gods who taught him how to create and appreciate art and beauty. He saw the splendid palaces of China, where he met some emperors who taught him how to govern and maintain harmony and order.

He met people of different races, languages, religions, and customs, and learned from them their stories, traditions, and values. He also encountered many animals, plants, and minerals, some familiar and some strange, and discovered their names, properties, and uses.

He also witnessed some of the challenges and problems that faced humanity and nature. He saw wars, famines, diseases, pollution, injustice, and ignorance. He felt compassion for the suffering beings and tried to help them whenever he could. He used his wisdom, power, and charm to solve conflicts, heal wounds, remove obstacles, and spread happiness. He also shared his modaks with those who were hungry or in need of a treat.

He also had some fun and exciting experiences along the way. He played games with children, danced with musicians, sang with poets, debated with scholars, joked with clowns, and performed magic tricks for crowds. He also faced some dangers and enemies who tried to harm him or stop him from his journey. He fought with demons, giants, monsters, and robbers using his weapons: an axe, a noose, an elephant goad, and his broken tusk. He always emerged victorious and unharmed from these battles.

He also encountered some other gods and goddesses from different pantheons who were curious about him or wanted to test him. He met Zeus from Greece, who challenged him to a thunderbolt duel; Ra from Egypt, who challenged him to a sun chariot race; Odin from Scandinavia, who challenged him to a riddle contest; Quetzalcoatl from Mexico, who challenged him to a feathered serpent dance; Amaterasu from Japan, who challenged him to a mirror reflection game; and many more. He impressed them with his knowledge, skill, courage, and humility. He also learned from them their secrets, powers, and domains.

He also visited some celestial realms that were beyond the reach of ordinary mortals. He went to the sun to see its source of light and heat; he went to the moon to see its phases and tides; he went to the stars to see their patterns and constellations; he went to the planets to see their orbits and features; he went to the comets to see their tails and trails; he went to the black holes to see their gravity and mystery.

He also explored some spiritual dimensions that were hidden from normal perception. He went to heaven to see the bliss of the gods; he went to hell to see the torment of the sinners; he went to purgatory to see the purification of the souls; he went to nirvana to see the liberation of the enlightened; he went to maya to see the illusion of the world; he went to brahman to see the reality of the self.

He spent many years traveling around the world and beyond it. He saw everything there was to see; he learned everything there was to learn; he experienced everything there was to experience. He was happy and content with his journey.

But then he remembered his parents: Shiva and Parvati. He realized that he had not seen them for a long time. He wondered how they were doing; what they were thinking; how they were feeling. He missed them dearly; he loved them deeply; he wanted to be with them again.

He decided to return home after completing one last task: circumambulating (revolving around) his parents as a sign of respect and devotion. He believed that this would be easy since he had traveled so far and wide.

But when he reached Mount Kailash where his parents lived, he found out that they were not there. They had gone on their own journey around the universe as a form of meditation. Ganesha was surprised and disappointed by this news. How could he circumambulate his parents if they were not in one place?

He asked some other gods who were present where his parents were or when they would return. But none of them knew for sure. They said that Shiva and Parvati could be anywhere in any form at any time. They said that they could be back in a moment or in a millennium. They said that Ganesha would have to wait patiently or search diligently for them.

Ganesha was not satisfied with these answers. He did not want to wait or search for his parents. He wanted to see them and honor them now. He thought of a clever solution to his problem.

He asked his mouse to fetch him a lotus flower, which was his mother’s favorite. He then held the flower in his trunk and raised it to the sky. He said a prayer to his parents, asking them to bless him and accept his offering. He said that he was circumambulating them with his mind and heart, even if he could not do so with his body and feet. He said that he loved them more than anything in the world and beyond it.

As he said these words, a miracle happened. The flower in his trunk turned into a shining light that enveloped him and his mouse. The light lifted them up and carried them across the cosmos at a speed faster than light. The light showed them the sights and sounds of the universe as they passed by them. The light also showed them the forms and faces of Shiva and Parvati as they appeared in different places and times.

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Ganesha was amazed and delighted by this experience. He felt the presence and love of his parents in every atom and every moment. He felt that he was truly circumambulating them with his entire being.

The light then brought him back to Mount Kailash, where he found his parents waiting for him with open arms. They had sensed his prayer and his offering, and they had returned to welcome him home. They hugged him and kissed him, and praised him for his cleverness and devotion. They said that he had circumambulated them in the best possible way, by using his imagination and emotion. They said that he had completed his journey in the most wonderful way, by returning to his source and destination.

Ganesha was overjoyed and grateful by this reunion. He gave his parents the lotus flower, which had turned back into its original form. He also gave them some modaks, which he had saved for them from his travels. He told them about his adventures and discoveries, and they listened with interest and admiration. They also told him about their meditations and revelations, and he listened with curiosity and awe.

They spent some time together, talking, laughing, eating, and enjoying each other’s company. They were happy and content with their homecoming.

This is the story of Ganesha and how he revolved around his parents. I hope you liked it.

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