How Trauma Healing Helps Us See the World in a Completely New Light...
Jovana Jovanovic, MBA
I write about trauma and personal empowerment // Background in project and program management in social innovation and impact // Advocate of Trauma-Informed approaches // Advocating for flexible work for working parents
Trauma healing, in very simple terms, helps us face the parts of ourselves (and our past) that we try to hide from ourselves and others - to protect ourselves from further suffering. In doing so - trauma healing helps us integrate all parts of ourselves so we no longer live life as parts of our being, but we show up as one whole - as what we are. When we do so - we become awakened. I never imagined I'd be the one ever saying those words, but I also never expected that my trauma processing would make me feel that way. Trauma processing brings us into the present moment and allows us to live our lives fully awake. To understand how that works, please read on...
If there was one thing I'd love for everyone struggling with painful experiences from their past to know it would be that in order to heal we have to face the pain. To process the pain, we must feel it. When we've done that we remove the mountain of pain that sits under the surface making us subconsciously react to life. When we do that - we bring that subconscious pain into the light. We process it so it no longer sits there running our lives from the background. From there we're able to live our lives with presence and conscious intent, fully in alignment with ourselves.
The process of healing goes in stages, and it's something like this:
For as long as there is unprocessed pain in the past (and trauma) it will show up in our lives. For as long as we don't resolve it - parts of us stay living in the past. When we make an effort to bring all of it into the light - we start to bring all those parts of ourselves into the present life.
By doing so, life becomes infinitely more rich, deep and full of presence. For we cannot be authentically ourselves, aligned and present for as long as there are broken parts of us residing in the past, finding comfort in various 'healing fantasies'. When we heal and integrate all parts - we become awakened. So instead of dreaming of something that will magically 'solve' our life and giving away our power (as children often have to do), we realise that the answer lies in us. We resolve our issues and we make our life happen. By bringing our darkness into light, our mind truly becomes enlightened and awakened, and this is what Jung is referring to.
We bring light into the dark, hidden crevices of our mind and our being. Life feels new all over again, we feel deep presence, aliveness and magic of being.
For a small group of individuals willing to embark on this journey I'm organising a small group online coaching program starting in January.
If this sounds like a good fit for you, you can find more information about the program here: