How To Transmute GMO Food Into Organic Healthy Food A Real Miracle
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How To Transmute GMO Food Into Organic Healthy Food A Real Miracle

There is a way we can transmute any GMO foods you might buy at the grocery store and it won't cost you a dime. Before I explain how anyone can do this I must first get everyone to Google the rice experiment.

See this video 

First, we need to discuss how to charge water and food and others around you because the one thing we all have in common with food is that it is made up of mostly water. The ability to transmute things in the material world are proven by quantum physics and a little-known truth that all matter is held or glued together by a specific frequency that makes matter and atoms what they are.

Just know now before you continue to read, that regardless of what you've been led to think or believe; its truth which prevails over lies. All stated herein is truth no matter how crazy it may sound or appear to be. Our policitians are nothing more than bankers doing the business of banking disguiesed as politicians manipulating the appearance of things for their dark masters.

How to remove GMO dangers from our food (it won't cost a dime).

The thought and intention work together to transmute like magic any material substance based on the frequency produced by your thought and intention so long as it is a genuine grateful and humbled feeling of selfless love it produces the needed frequency to transmute all evil.

I don't know how hard the people who created GMO worked to assure it delivered the anticipated results it did but something so simple as thought and intent can undo all those trillions of dollars of effort by doing one simple thing anyone is capable of even if they can't open their mouth and utter auditable words.

How far can we go with this amazing powerful force? We can use it to do just as our brother Jesus instructed us when he made his visit to earth to dwell among us. He said that we should forgive and forget the trespasses of our brothers against us because this would transmute the hatred and darkness it thrives in into love and light. 

He said I tell you to love thy enemy and do good to those who deceitfully use you because in doing this you accomplish the exact same thing. Anytime you tell someone you love them it transmutes their energy fields and makes an immediate change in their composure.

The power of love by intention of gratitude works together to deliver what many today would call a miracle. GMO foods are dangerous and murder their consumer slowly each and every day. The same is true of processed foods and drinks which we have no control over the contents of. 

We all love to think we have some control over our decisions on what we consume whether it is food or drink, but most don't know that every bottled water you pay for is riddled with tons of poisonous contaminates designed to wear down your body and make it decay/age at a faster rate. 

Tooth Paste is a poison that is designed to rot your teeth because that is what Fluoride does but don't take my word for it make time to learn the truth about why it's put in nearly everything and what it actually does, and you'll know I've told you the truth.

Our brother Jesus said he came so that you could have life and have it more abundantly and that is what he accomplished when he taught us how to love one another and explained that we must forgive and forget the sins or trespasses of our brothers and sisters in order to receive forgiveness and forgetting of our sins against others by our living eternal father in heaven.

To charge the water found in our bodies, food, and every liquid is all it takes to transmute it's ill effects and even more consuming distilled water which has zero contaminates enables you to speak or think love and gratitude toward the water and it will protect and revive you in ways you can only see in the video of the rice experiment. 

Our living eternal father and our brother Jesus told me to publish this for the world so that you all could live a better life and know they love us and are never far away. They speak to us through our thoughts we most often wrongfully think are our own.

The reason so many of us can't hear them when they speak to us is because the fallen immortal angels are using a combination of technologies to block our view of heaven which otherwise we would be able to see with our own eyes from earth ground zero. These technologies have existed since the days in the garden of Eden. 

Our father and our brother Jesus wish for me to share with you that we have all been lied to and deceived and tricked nearly our whole life and that the cities and amazing technology we see and use today is a watered down version of what was here the first second the father and our brother Jesus along with all of the angels completed making / forming earth from the design plan known as their creation. Our father and Jesus designed aka created exclusively the earth and the heavens, the angels and man but the angels helps make/form man and have since held the knowledge of RNA and DNA.

The fallen angels were instructed to serve man which a third of them didn't appreciate which cause the famous war in heaven. They charged our father and he was forced to have the obedient angels cast them who rebelled and accused them down to earth to dwell with us and serve us in a terrestrial form many would liken to a humanoid appearance that resembles a serpent or reptilian look. This is where that term reptilian part of the brain came from.

The fallen angels have the ability to transmute their bodies into invisible form and walk through walls and matter of any kind and are not harmed by any of the atomic elements as man would be and do promote war, destruction and death of man every chance they get. They can appear to be anyone they please so any normal human would be none the wiser as to who they were.

They recruit those who are willing to help these dark deeds by what many know today as deals or contracts with the devil. We must know that we are sprit beings that dwell in animal vessels which have a mind of their own and makes us especially vulnerable to deception. The way we can know the fallen are deceiving us is by their signature clue. 

They will talk about something they desire for us to fall for over and over and over and over and over again. I had to say it that many times because when you look back on the agendas they have promoted you'll realize that when it was moving one step closer to complete enslavement by our own consent it is always achieved by constant non-stop trickery. 

Remember when no matter where you looked or what you read you always heard the words terror, or terrorism. It was everywhere, and recently you have heard over and over again Trump, trump, trump or trump this or trump that. Well whenever you see the media and newspapers or any other celebrity doing these things just know they are paid to do these things and it's a part of the deal they made with the dark and fallen ones.

They are teaching us a very valuable lesson the father desires for us to learn about deception and how it works overtime to attempt to destroy our relationship with him and also aims to derail our purpose and mission of taking back the birthright given to all man and that was dominion over all the earth. Until we get everyone aware of this we can't take it back from them which is what we're all here to do. 

When we do this, we can start rebuilding this place to have heaven here instead of the hell that has existed since the days Eve decided to carry the child of Satan and Adam's at the same time which is what that sin in the Book of Genesis is all about. Cain the seed of Satan murdered his brother Able the seed of Adam.

Before any of this happen Satan and his fallen host murdered Adam and Eve many times, but our brother Jesus resurrected them after each and every murderous attempt. Satan and the fallen host realized they were not going to be allowed to steal man’s birthright from them so he and they decided to destroy mans seed instead. The real reason for the great flood was to destroy the offspring which came from that unholy union as these beings appeared human but were not and had no good intention for man.

The Bible says all that is hidden will be revealed and a very small part of that scripture has just been fulfilled here. There is so much more. The father and our brother Jesus want for me to share this message with you about how these fallen and their agents will never be able to succeed once you become aware of these truths because awareness does not require acceptance of the reader like holding a belief does. Awareness can't be undone once it's part of ones consciousness and it will do the job of converting doubters into believers by its very design.

He is the most high and intelligent beyond the perceptions of any and will prove he loves us as our earth parents do and more. We are tricked into thinking he hates us and will not rescue us from the evil that ensues the world. But the truth is we're supposed to do the job of curing the world of all evil by casting love everywhere onto everyone regardless of whether you think, feel or believe the objects of those affections are worth it.

It's easy for you to do this simple deed once you realize that your own family members do terrible things all of the time that work against the right and morale path but you love them no matter what. Our brother Jesus said we must forgive 70x7 or in other words until the end as the number 7 is our fathers complete number. Our brother Jesus was born on 911 or September 11th which is why the fallen try to work the most evil in the world on that day.

We must make time to seek the truth so it can make us free from the deceptions and tricks the world is working overtime on forcing down our throats. We must realize the constant bombardment of any subject matter like the recent anti-bitcoin rhetoric and anti-gun rhetoric is all about maintaining control by our ignorant consent. 

The heavens want all of us to know we can take this world back to one of peace, love and unity putting peace love and unity into the field like a farmer plants seeds in the soil. The field is demonstrated in the video above so all will believe it's real and so many will overcome their doubts he put us here with no power to overcome the wickedness. 

The wicked establishment has sought to brainwash the world into foolishly believing the only power on earth that matters or gets respect comes from the power of a weapon. This is not true our greatest power ever created to defeat all wickedness and evil is love it's the most power bomb to ever exist and with our loving grateful intent can turn this world over to all of us overnight in the twinkling of an eye. Never under estimate the great power of love when cast with grateful intention because it will cure everything the establishment has paid and worked so hard to deliver our demise.

Now today love someone, love everyone, love your food, love your water and do this in the name of our brother Jesus and the spirit of our living eternal father in heaven with all grateful intention and selflessness and you will see the awesome power of love and its effect to transmute the evil that dwells within. The darkness cannot comprehend the light of love; nor can it survive it.

GMO foods, poisoned air (chemtrails), pharmaceutical medicines, poisoned water as of this moment no longer can have any ill effect on you so long as you charge your food, water, drink or family and friends since all is made up of mostly 80-95% water. We take back our birth right starting today and slowly get this world back to the peaceful and loving state our living eternal father in heaven desire it to be along with the intention our loving brother Jesus willed it to be.

If you all realize the reason we got in this position to begin with is because we chose to be controlled verses instructed. The government is what many call the big daddy and its etymology breaks down as follows. Govern means control and ment means mind, while command means instruct and ment is mind. I don't know why we could not see this before but those who vote the lessor of two evils never realize that any evil planted into the field only yields more evil. 

As you sow so shall you reap and the harvest we have been reaping is exactly what we have been sowing. Never vote ever again because it's consenting to our own destruction we don't need the government all we ever needed was commandments to help us have life and have it more abundantly. It’s been our doubt all along keeping us all from the greatest harvest ever.

To believe is simply to trust, we must trust our father and brother Jesus never left us and realize these fallen immortal angels are the force behind every evil we know and see in this world and to defeat them we only need to love them back home. It's a game to them but very real to us they can't die from nuclear war while we can because we are mere mortals who have eternal life if we choose it.

Never doubt the power of real prayer and know from this day it's only a casting of our love onto everyone and anything which coupled with grateful selfless intention delivers us from evil.

Celebrate this knowledge today with your families and share it all over the world the establishment via the Hegelian dialectic has worked to divide in the name of unity on every single thing via a thing known as social engineering and everything is engineered to destroy for profit and gain of those who live the richest of lives at the expense of all others demise. Engineered food, weather, crises, events, and all is done for the intent and purpose for total unconditional control over man.

Research these things and be deceived no more. I love all of you just as much as he our brother Jesus and our living eternal father in heaven love us. We have never known a love so strong and so powerful as the kind they cast unto us. 

Let’s get our world back now and don't forget to forgive and forget all they have done or else you'll stand before the gates of heaven any become tormented by your own shame and guilt and decide for yourself you’re not worthy to dwell in heaven and will sadly choose hell as your only other alternative. Jesus and our father would that none would choose hell yet many do, fear not they want all to know that after those souls spend enough time in hell they decide to come back we know this as reincarnation and work to undo the past wrongs so they can repent in their own way and do better next time.

Our choice transcends the other side of the veil and we decide when we're worthy to return home but our job is to show the fallen how to love again by casting out their darkness and wickedness showing them in love even in sight of their continued scheme of wickedness. We have the most power weapon that has ever existed its love and simple it is to use it.

Love has always been the only miracle we ever needed.


Justin Kalis (L.I.O.N)的更多文章

